Chapter 33: Ride (Part 1)

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The wind was blowing through the both of our hairs and the air grazed across our skin, sending chills down your spine. You had no idea where Dabi was taking you, but you didnt ask too many questions. Dabi could feel you shivering against his back, at the next stoplight he took his jacket off and handed it to you.

"Your shivering is really pissing me off, take it."

You grabbed the jacket and put it on right before the light turned green.

"My quirk doesnt really like the cold, it makes me numb and hard to function, especially when its windy." You softly said. Your arms were wrapped around his torso with your hands on his stomach. He took one of his hands and placed it on top of yours slightly heating them up, trying to keep you warm. You could feel the heat warming you up, the shivering slowly stopping.

"We're almost there, so try and stay warm until then." You nodded in response to that, still clueless as ever as to where yall where going. There were a lot of trees, high up like they could touch the clouds, a one way road as the moon lit up the entire sky.

Once you guys arrived you took in the entire scenery. He took you to an open field, flowers and trees were everywhere. It was beautiful but you were confused as to why he took you here.

"What is this place?"

He didnt respond, he just grabbed your hand and continued to walk to wherever he was taking you.

"Okay cool dont answer me then."

"Will you just shutup and let me show you." He rolled his eyes at how impatient you were, but it was cute to see how eager you were right now. You were smiling the entire time, looking at nature surrounding you guys.

He stopped in front of an open cave like area, there were flowers all inside and around the outside. He let go of your hand and walked in. You stood there, out of reality, and couldnt help noticing all the details around you. You heard the faintest noise of water streaming nearby, possibly a river.

"You coming or what?" He turned around looking at you, you snapped back into reality, nodding your head while slowly walking inside of the cave.

You guys walked for about 5 minutes until Dabi came to a full stop right in the middle of the cave. It was like a little home inside. There were blankets, pillows, food, and everything just laid out in the middle of the floor.

"I used to come here and hide from family sometimes when I was younger... It was like my little escape place I guess." You smiled hearing that. He was starting to open up to you more, let you into those little details about his life. He was so closed off, hardly said anything, but in moments like these you were fully attentive. You didnt want to miss anything he was saying. You two locked eyes as he continued.

"I would train up here sometimes, slept here most nights to get away from all the bullshit. Nobody really knows about this spot... well except you now."

"Its really peaceful up here, I can see why this was your little escape. I like it, but what made you want to take me here tonight?" He was silent. He didnt want to tell you how special you were to him. Why he wanted you to know more about him, but he also didnt want to lie to you... not anymore. He broke the silence.

"Wanted you to understand me better... I dont see the need to talk about myself when I can just show you these things instead. Who has the time to just sit here and explain shit all the time."

You knew exactly what he meant by that too. He didnt know how to talk about himself and his feelings, its not really his thing. But you knew his actions always spoke louder than his words. Thats why you liked asking him questions, even if it pissed him off, you knew he would answer with his actions instead. It was one of your favorite things about him.

ride| dabi x reader {biker gang au} 18+Where stories live. Discover now