Chapter 36: Build-Up...

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You and Dabi made it back to your apartment.

The both of you worn out and tired, you both took showers and went straight to sleep.

The next day was finally Friday... The rally was tonight.

It's been awhile since you've seen Keigo and the gang. Which was funny you saw him fly by last night, probably just left Dirty Dogs.

It was your first rally with the OLV though.

Good thing was you didn't have to compete, you were just an extra member there to basically sit there and look pretty.

Obviously that wasnt too hard for you to do.

You were still nervous though... you had a feeling you were gonna run into one of them tonight.

What would you say? What would they say? Ugh, you really just didnt want to deal with any drama, but it was bound to happen.

With these two groups, drama followed them like no tomorrow.

Dabi always noticed when you were deep in thought.

You would be completely silent, can hardly hear you breathe.

Dazed off, not paying attention to any of your surrounds. Your face would always have this blank look to it.

And you always felt cold.

You hate being cold, thats how he always knew something was wrong with you.

Shaking you out of your thought, snapping you back into reality. Dabi was curious to know what had you caught up like this.

¨You good?¨

¨Hm? Oh. No, I'm worried about tonight.¨ You were also too honest when you were all flustered like this. Trying to find instant solutions to everything.

He pulled you towards him, wrapped his arms around your body.

¨What about tonight got you thinking so hard over there, hm?¨

You nuzzled up against him, he was so comfortable with you now.

You felt comfortable enough to be yourself with him too.

¨You know Keigo and everyone... theyre gonna be there.¨

Dabi wasnt surprised that was the reason for all your worrying. Its been awhile since you seen them, and youre showing up with an entirely new gang. You had every right to be nervous right now but...

¨Its easier said than done but,¨ He took a deep breath. ¨I'll be there.¨

You looked away and smiled softly to yourself. Who is this guy in front of you right now, honestly.

¨Okay.¨ You gave him a small peck on his nose, and got up from bed going straight into the bathroom.

You got in the shower and changed into (f/c) jumpsuit you had with white air force ones.

ride| dabi x reader {biker gang au} 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora