Chapter 14: The Plan

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Flashback to Friday: The Plan @ Dirty Dogs

"So what's the official plan for tomorrow Keigo?" Rumi asked while she was stuffing her face.

"It's easier said than done, but me and... me and Y/N are gonna have to use our quirks during the race." You looked up at Keigo when he said that. Our quirks? But for what? "My strategy is we make the OLV gang think we're 'over' the whole situation, until it's time for my second race and Y/N's. Myth usually races up against Decay, so me filling in for him will already have him thrown off a bit."

"Wait your quirks? But for what?" Fat interrupted.

"Y/N will find a way to immobilize Pyro during his race. She can figure that out herself." He rolled his eyes. "Me on the other hand, I'm going to send a few of my feathers to Decay and pop his tires causing him to spiral off. We're showing them who's boss around here and it isn't them."

You liked the idea of using your quirk to win, especially if it meant hurting the people who hurt Myth. You just didn't know how you would use 5 while riding your bike.

"It doesn't matter if we win or lose tomorrow night. Right now we're focused on standing our ground. These guys were banned for a year and came back starting problems." Keigo stood up. "Violence isn't always the answer in my book, but they started this war... we're finishing it." And with that Keigo paid for his meal and left.

The plan wasn't a bad one, but there weren't a lot of details. How am I going to immobilize Dabi? Will it work? Will I mess up the plan? Keigo was right... this was easier said than done...

Keigo's race had just started. You were nervous for him, but you knew he would pull his plan off. You were more so worried for yourself. You couldn't figure out a way to immobilize Dabi in order to win but you needed a plan for yourself, and fast.

Decay was in the lead, the judges were actually astonished to see that Keigo was behind, not by much but he usually would have won the thing by now. Then it happened, they were 15 feet away from the finish line, Keigo had shot a few of his feathers and directed them straight towards Decay's tires. Decay was completely caught off guard when he heard his back tire pop, and then his front one. He flew straight into the air and landed hard on his back, making Keigo take the lead and winning the race. Decay had hit his head pretty hard from the fall. He was unconscious and blood was gushing from the side of his head. The medics raced down to him and gave him immediate attention. His gang rushed over and realized he wasn't responding. Dabi was infuriated and you could see it in his eyes. They picked him up and took him straight to the hospital. The rest of his gang stayed behind to finish out the races, Dabi had headed back to their tent and got his things together ready for his race. He was about to take out all his anger on his bike.

You and the gang had seen everything go down on the screens. Your stomach was turning now because you knew it was your turn to do your part. Dabi had glanced at you right before he headed to the start line. Shit don't tell me he figured us out already. You had to pull this off. Keigo did his part and if you messed up we would most definitely never speak to you again.

Down at the starting line, you were ready. You didn't have any new special tricks to show off but you remembered Keigo said he didn't care if we won or lost tonight. Our goal is to hit it where it hurts with these bastards. Take out their strongest competitors, little did you know shit was not about to go as planned. Dabi was right next to you, you could sense how angry he was with your quirk. His heart rate had been at a higher level than usual. You wish you felt bad for what Keigo did to Decay but you didn't. Karma's a bitch.

The race began. You did simple tricks so you wouldn't waste any unnecessary energy, stand up, sit down, one-handed wheelies were your specialties. They got you a decent amount of points on the board but tonight wasn't about points. You sensed Dabi from behind, you were panicking, it was time for you to attack but right before you could do anything something in the air felt hot. You looked behind you and saw Dabi was about to release a shit ton of fire into your direction. Good thing your quirk had warned you in advance so once he shot it out at you, you got out the way by swerving your bike in the opposite direction. Of course he would try and attack first. You had then activated your quirk. You stood up on your bike to turn yourself slightly to the side so you were sitting sideways on it. You turned your head to look at Dabi, you guys were making direct eye contact. I win. While still staring at him you had made Dabi lose his sense of sight for at least 2 minutes, he went blind and couldn't stir his bike in the right direction, making him fall off. You then turned back around on your bike, did a few more tricks, and crossed the finish line. Once Dabi's sight had come back he was pissed. He threw his helmet down and charged towards you. Both gangs back at the tents had seen him approaching you on the screens. They all had gotten up and ran down to where you guys were. You and Dabi were face to face.

"You stupid bitch." He growled.

"Aww? Is that the new b-word you're going to be calling me now, I kinda like it." You smirked back at him. Your snarky remark had made him get closer. He wanted to kill you right now, in front of everyone, but he knew he would be arrested and thrown into jail if he did that so instead he had grabbed your neck.

"I could end you right here, right now if I wanted to infront of all these stupid ass people. I could set this entire arena on fire before letting any of you guys get a second to escape. How does that sound to you, beautiful." You were gasping for air, you couldn't breathe and the inside of your body felt cold. You couldn't activate your quirk to get him off of you so you were stuck. Lucky for him, I have a choking kink... this isn't shit to me.

"Let her go before I kick you into the next week, bacon bits." You knew that voice and that attitude, it was Rumi. She and the gang were right behind you guys and heard the entire thing. Keigo had seen that you were about to pass out from the hold you were in, his blood was boiling. Yes, he was still mad at you, but seeing you in the position you were in enraged him. He promised to keep you safe at all times no matter what.

Dabi had let go of my neck and stepped towards my friends. You were coughing trying to catch your breath, if he would've held on any longer you might've passed out right there.

"I'd like to see you try carrots."

With that statement, a brawl between the gangs had broken out. Everyone in the arena had left, nobody wanted to get involved if the police had shown up. It was a fight to the death, fists were flying and bodies dropping. You thought this would settle the score for good... you thought you guys had won the war but this was only the beginning.
(Words: 1351)

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