Chapter 30: Meetup

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The next day you and Dabi both got ready to go meet at the OLV hideout. Every time you had gone there it always ended up being some argument or fight, but this time you were going for an official meeting. The both of you headed down to your bikes, hopped on and went straight there.

The lingering smell of something or someone rotting in those trashcans gave you a sick feeling. Both you and Dabi headed inside and the rest of the members were already there, waiting for your arrival.

"Ahhh Y/N. Welcome back." You gave a fake smile and waved at everyone in the room.

"I brought her, just like you asked. So can we hurry up with this already?" Dabi sounded like he was ready to go before he even got there. The whole time you two were getting ready, he hardly even spoke, that was normal for him but his presence did feel as welcoming as it always had.

"Let's get straight to the point then. I'm sure Dabi here has told you everything you need to know about us, why and what we do, our quirks, and plenty more. But today I just a few simple questions for you." He paused for a second as he rapidly scratched at his neck, you swore you saw flakes falling off of it. "Will you use my quirk whenever I need you to? How devoted will you be to us? And how do we know this isnt some plan that you and your 'old' gang have going on."

You swallowed harshly at his questions. Did he already know about you and your quirk? How? Whatever it didnt matter right now, you had to prove your worth to this gang with confidence.

"Yes, I've agreed with Dabi that I will use my quirk... as long as I dont use to actually harm or kill anyone. I'll be as devoted as possibly, I have a lot of free time considering that I wont be competing with you guys... also you dont have to worry about my old gang..." You paused for a second. "None of them are speaking to me nor am I speaking to them. They have no idea I'm even here today." He nodded to your responses, picking at his skin as he began to speak as soon as you were finished.

"Interesting... What do you mean you wont use your quirk to harm others?"

"I never plan on using my quirk to hurt people, but as an asset to this team, Im willing to use it to temporarily immobilize opponents. It wont harm them in any way unless I use full on shockwaves. I can alter how much I can 'hurt' a persoon with my quirk. Unless when I'm angry or cold... I dont have much control during those sceanrios."

"Good thing your paired with Dabi now for missions. He'll keep you warm. Fine, you wont kill people, that'll be Dabi's doing but everything else you arent exempt from. I'll be sending you on your first mission tonight with Dabi and Twice. They both already know the rundown so just meet back here around 7. This will prove if your worthy of actually joining us. Your quirk... its intriguing. Master thinks it would be a perfect fit for our defense and offense, so I want to put his little theory to the test. Twice will let me know how everything goes. Dabi, you just make sure everyone is following orders." Shigaraki walked out of the room and into another area inside of the hideout. You were curious to know what was behind that other door, or if something important was hidden behind it... but you didnt want to go snooping around on your first day.

You were left in the room with Twice, Dabi, and Toga. Spinner didnt show up today because he was doing a mission for Shigaraki already by the time the meeting was called. Toga was the first to speak.

"Hey. Arent you that girl that tried to kill me that one time? Whats stopping you now from using your quirk to hurt others."

"I had to do that to defend not only myself, but my old friends. No hard feelings?" You smiled sheepishly at her. You expected her to keep rambling about how you tried to harm her but instead...

"Oh yeah totally! I'm over the whole thing now, I just wanted to know what changed your mind about hurting people when you easily put me out with no hesitations! I'm Himiko Toga! I'm so glad there's finally another girl here-." Dabi cut her off, he knew she could talk anyone's ears off for hours. He barely wanted to be here today, and he for damn sure didnt want to listen to Toga rant.

"Youre soo fucking obnoxious. Do you ever shutup?" The poor girl turned around and sat back down in her chair. Crossing her arms and stomping her feet you could tell she was use to this treatment from Dabi. What an asshole. I think she's cute. You glared at him, trying to let him know he didnt have to be an asshole. He rolled his eyes once he picked up on what you were thinking. He really hated everyone, and you could see how apparent it was now. Catching you off guard a bit someone behind you tugged at your arm slightly. You turned around and it was Twice.

"Hey! Youre gorgeous we should go out sometime! Get away from me!!" Now he's a weird one...

You nervously laughed and introduced yourself formally to him. He shook your hand and smiled. You could sense there was a lot going on with him... more inside of his brain but your quirk only allowed you to sense so much. You two ended up clicking really well though and started to have a full on conversation about the good and bad in society.

A few more minutes passed and Dabi had outgrown the patience of the whole "lets get to know y/n" party. He gave another glare, signaling that he wanted to leave and that you guys had been there longer than he had planned. You noticed and nodded. You gave both Twice and Toga hugs before you left. You and Dabi hopped back on your bikes and headed back to your apartment. He was always so quiet, but it seemed as if something was bothering him the entire day. You didnt want to be pushy and ask him what was wrong but you couldnt help yourself. Something was off and by the time you got home, you were going to get to the bottom of it.
(Words: 1118)
also i might start slowing down on posting. instead of 5 chapters wed and sat it'll be 2 or 3... i feel as if not alot of people are really enjoying this story as much anymore which is discouraging me a bit but i will still be consistent as possible. ily.

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