I Don't Know Why

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I caught her the next day. She was sitting, enjoying breakfast with Alton. I waited until there was a lull in her conversation with him.

"You're the new girl, aren't you?" I approached her.

"Caius, fuck off," Alton aimed his knife in my direction. I fucking didn't get him. "She's not interested in your whore house, nor is she interested in any of your services. Besides, I thought you were committed to Sal."

"I am, but there's no harm in messing around," I focused back in on her. "You smell awfully of books and knowledge. Aren't you the last of your clan or something?"

She dropped her utensils. Oh, she didn't want to talk about that. Maybe she hid it underneath as I did.

"Caius," Alton stood up, his chair squealing. "I'm not kidding."

"Aye," Sal wrapped an arm around me. "What are ya doin' over 'ere?"

"Asking around," I took a step away from the table. "You're doing your initiation fight today, yeah? Good luck, greenie. I hope you go first. Otherwise, you'll have to face one of the experienced fae, and trust me, they could crush you."

"'At's a little brash," Sal shook his head. "Best of luck to ya, lass. I'm sure you'll do fantastic."

Sal pulled me away. Why did I do that? I was being so rude to her. I didn't want to be. I was being harsh. For what?

"Why are ya bein' so mean to 'he new girl?" Sal sat me down.

"I don't know," I crossed my arms. "I wasn't even thinking."

"We'll get to know 'er in due time," he patted my leg. 

"I know," I had already shown her one side. Could I show her another? 

"Eat somethin'," Sal elbowed me. "We both should."

"You're going to make me fat," I commented, pulling over Monarch's specials list.

"Eatin' normally is gonna do no such 'ing," he kissed my cheek. "Ya are paranoid."

"We going to participate in Nectar Night tonight?" I glanced over at him.

Sal shrugged. "I'm not too particular to it. You?"

"We don't have to," I sat beside myself. "I do want to watch the fights, though."

"Who wouldn't?" Aelianna appeared beside me. "Do you see some of these fae?"

I caught a glimpse of a girl with Fretela wings. It made me nauseous—the trafficking fae. I wondered if she owned any constellations. I wondered if Analeise was okay wherever she was.

"Caius?" Aelianna waved her hand in front of me. "Sweet Titania, we lost him."

"What?" I shoved her hand away.

"We're supposed to get the green one on our team. What do you think about that?" Aelianna asked again.

"She might kill us," I commented.

"'Itania, Caius," Sal sighed. 

"Nox made her those glasses yesterday," Aelianna smirked. "Can you believe it? He just submitted to her raw power. I haven't approached her because I can feel that sense around her. I have to agree with the edgy one here. She might kill us all."

We sat in the arena quietly next to Aelianna and Nostra Damus. The wooden arena filled with the slight scent of smoke though I couldn't tell where from. Thalia was the first one in the ring, up against the Fretela girl, named Lilian. Thalia clearly had no idea what to do. She had no weapons, no magic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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