Not Enough Emotions to Go Around

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I lifted two mission statements shoved under my door. One was for Salvador, who rested peacefully in my bed. The other was for me. Salvador's note detailed a mission for a crystal that involved Alton and Avery. Mine just gave me the names for Aelianna and Kane. Below was also a list of how to enter the building safely. I glared at the names. Maybe if I did so hard enough, they would burn and disappear. 

"Got something for you," I plopped down beside Sal.

He groaned, shoving me off the bed. I started annoyingly waving the paper until he pushed me onto the floor. 

"'Hat?" He huffed, sitting up to stretch.

I watched him move. My man was glorious. I loved the way his muscles glided by one another. His tattoos lengthened ever so slightly as the skin beneath them did. He scratched at his stubble. 

"Are ya gonna tell me 'hy ya woke me or are ya gonna keep starin'?" He raised a sleepy brow.

"Sorry that you're fucking hot," I held the paper out to him. "You've got a mission."

"Ugh," he sighed, yanking it from me.

"Great Titania," I stood. "Don't have to be so dramatic."

"I'm tired," he placed his feet on the floor. "'Hat are you gonna be doin'?"

"Mission of my own," I waved the note at him. "Though I get to go with Aelianna and your darling ex."

"Yeah, a real ray of fuckin' sunshine," Salvador grabbed clothes from where he kept them in my dresser. "Jus' don' kill 'im, okay?"

"What's so wrong with one of my knives suddenly flying out of my control and across his throat?"

"Annoyin' as 'e is, we can' lose any more members on 'his team," Sal narrowed his eyes at me. "Not after Juniper."

"I never even met her," I threw my sweatshirt on.

"Ya would 'ave 'ated 'er," he smirked. "I'm sure ya would 'ave probably wanted to kill 'er too." 

I stopped to put my boots on. I collapsed into the chair in my hallway. Salvador rested his belt on his waist. 

"I wish I was going with you," I admitted. 

"It's all 'ight," he kissed my forehead. "It won' be too long, yeah?"

"Fair enough," I fell into the warmth of his hand on my cheek. 

"I love ya," he grinned. He was softening around the edges. That's the Salvador I knew.

I pulled him in for a kiss. When we parted, he pulled my hood up for me.

"I'll see you in two or three days," I couldn't mistake the sad look in his eyes.

"You will," I lifted my pack onto my back. 

Downstairs, Aelianna was waiting for me. She waved, but she didn't say anything. I approached her.

"Where's the Ice Queen?" 

"Probably still fucking Avery for all I know," she shrugged. "I hate them."

"I'm sorry," I coughed. "He and Avery?"

"Shit," she hissed. "I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"I thought I smelled him on Avery the other day," I laughed.

"Smell?" her nose scrunched up. "Whatever, shut up, he's coming."

"Oh great," he looked down at me. "Ve going to go, babes?"

"Yeah, yeah," Aelianna hauled her bag onto her shoulders. "But first, if you so much as try to hit each other, I'll poison both of you for days with a poison so horrendous, you won't be able to leave the bathroom. Got it?"

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