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There was a knock at my door. I opened it to find a girl with purple and black hair, her wings a solid purple behind her.

"I'm Zara," she waved. "I wanted to know what weapons you have."

I looked at this girl, a few years older than myself. "I don't have any."

"Would you like a weapon?" she grinned.

"I would like daggers," I grinned maliciously.

"I'll help you enchant a set of daggers," she nodded. "Come with me, we'll go pick them out."

I followed Zara down the stairs. She lead me through the confusing halls to a new room, filled with metal and tools. There were shelves of spell books lining the walls. 

"Now that you're sixteen," Zara moved to a black book. "You're allowed to begin training with weapons. Are there any weapons you're good with?"

"I'm good at throwing knives," I offered.

"Hmm," she started scratching her pencil across the page. "How about we enchant you a set of knives? We could design some to hold elemental powers, that way when you throw them, the spells would be cast over your being. I know your spell grades are passable, but they're not great," her yellow eyes met mine. "that way you'd get the benefit of spells without them failing you."

"Sounds good with me," I leaned over, finding her drawings of an arsenal of knives with the basic design being a standard throwing knife with a sturdier blade.

"You'll have to do some research on how you'd like them charmed," she looked me over. "Do you like wearing boots?"

"It seems to be the standard," I was confused by her question. "But yeah, I like them."

"I'll ask my friend Tayla to make a pair of boots you can store the knives in. I'll leave it up to her. Tayla!" Zara called.

A girl appeared, very excited. She dashed over to me, kneeling to the floor. A ruler flew over my measurements so fast, I couldn't keep up with them. 

"I've got it boss," she saluted Zara, disappearing as fast as she had appeared. 

"Go do some research," Zara waved me off.

I poured myself over spell books that night. I came back to Zara with three ideas. Within two weeks I had nine. In a month, I came up with twenty-seven. Zara continued to craft my knives, getting one of the gifted spell teachers to charm them. She'd then stamp them with a color and a symbol so I'd know which were which. I wasn't allowed to keep them on me while in classes aside from the one combat class I had. Tayla made me a case for them that held all the knives in a fan shaped board covered in leather. 

I become very adept at my weapon. I could hit a target from thirty feet away, the entire length of the classroom. My teacher was delighted with my skill, finding myself intrigued at Zara's. She had made a weapon perfect for me. 

"Now, Caius," Mr. Listless pulled me aside one day. "You can throw knives like a pro but isn't it boring?"

I shrugged. I didn't find it boring. I found one thing I was finally good at.

"How about we blend magic into your lessons?" Mr. Listless pondered. "What if we could use a floating and commanding spell to control your knives rather than your hands?"

I thought it over. "Something like this?" 

I commanded my knives to float out of my boots, circling them in the air in front of me. I was only good at this spell, the single spell Analeise had taught me. It had grown on me, grown with me. It was part of me now. 

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