Nectar Night

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I sat in the corner booth near the bar, sipping on a bottle of nectar. I was beginning to like the stuff, finding the taste of honey and cinnamon alluring despite my typical hatred of sweet things. We were celebrating the initiation of my generation of newbies into Delta Ace, something that I supposed warranted the abnormally large amount of drinking.

I was itching for someone, for something to sleep with again. I could find my other victims, Avery, Goscifus, Briar, Tomas. I had to find another. I could make a long list of those I had done at this point but I was no longer in Ofdendel Boarding School. I was now in Delta Ace. I was on top.

I spotted a fae with green skin, jagged spikes running down their arms. Did I want to hit it? Did I not? I moved along, finding a pixie sitting at the bar, downing nectar. His wings were so gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Their dark blue outline, their smoothly jagged cut, and the light blue like the sky with faded lines of turquoise bleeding throughout. I had to tell him.

I finished my bottle of nectar, leaving it where I was. I walked up, the warm confidence in me growing. I waited one more moment. I laid a hand on his wings, desiring to know what they felt like. His head perked up, his ocean blue eyes meeting mine. I could drown in those eyes and die. I wouldn't have cared. 

"I'm sorry," I apologized, not really meaning it. "I was across the room and I saw your wings. They're beautiful."

"'Anks," he gave me a sad grin. 

"You're far more gorgeous than they are," I reached to touch his face. He didn't seem to mind. I felt his strong jawline beneath my hand, the presence of stubble. I wanted to touch his lips, to kiss them. He was so precious. I wanted him to be mine.

I looked him down. He had on a fedora with a blue pheasant feather in it and a blue ribbon around its black base. He wore just a vest, one that matched the ribbon, its insides were a seafoam blue from the bent over collar. He had on white canvas pants tucked into brown leather boots. There was a brown leather belt around his waist, hoisting leather bags and a sheath for some melee weapon. I could tell by his muscles that it had to be something heavy.

"I couldn' possibly," he blushed. Titania, I wanted him more. 

"Why are you here alone?" I leaned closer to him, still caressing his cheek.

"I am pre'y lonely," his eyes pulled away from mine. "I'm Salvador by 'he way."

"Caius," I whispered, bringing his focus back on me.

"Do ya want to go somewhere?" Salvador asked me.

"With you?" I smirked. "Anywhere."

I ended up bringing him to my bedroom, finding him too high off nectar to find his own. I pulled him into my bed, pushing him into the black covers. I kissed him, tasting cinnamon on his lips. I knocked his hat off, running a hand through his slightly curly hair. His arms wrapped around me, pulling my body closer to his. My hands found the buttons on his vest, pulling to down. I ran my hand over his smooth chest. I pulled away from his addicting lips. There was a tattoo over his heart, a circle with some tribal symbol. I noticed there were more tribal symbols on his body, one wrapping around his arm, one across his bicep and two on either one of his wrists. His hair was a mess of brown and majority blonde. It reminded me of sand. Sweet Titania, this boy was the ocean and I wanted to dive in.

He pulled off my sweatshirt, tossing it to the floor. I kicked my boots off, him doing the same before he crawled back into my bed. It was my time now. I didn't even get another second to admire him before his hands were back on me, pulling me to his lips again. I died there, wanting never to leave his lips without mine. I pulled back, frustrated that he was so addicting. I bit into his neck pulling my usual trick. He let out a sudden gasp, followed by a moan. I looked at the bruise that was starting to form. I felt regret. Salvador was captivating, precious. I didn't wish to hurt him. 

He took the moment to roll me under him. He dropped his waist to mine, giving me a sign of the obvious. He was making my life harder than it needed to be. Dear sweet Titania, this man was sin. His lips met mine, biting my lip. I wasn't ready for it, causing me to gasp but I liked it. He moved, gently kissing my neck. Unholy cries escaped my lips. Normally, I liked hearing the moaning rather than doing it myself but Salvador...he was different. His lips fell down my chest to my abdomen. He bit at the edge of my pants, pulling them back with his teeth alone. I could clearly see where he was going. I wasn't going to let him have his way. I slipped out from under him, swift as I always was. I shoved his face into my pillows. This was it, the time to have my way.

I moved, pushing myself gently inside him. His gasps and moans only pushed me to the edge making me defile him more. When his body tensed, I died again. A small death. He collapsed onto my bed, rolling over onto his back. I stayed back, sitting on my knees. I wanted to get a good look at him. He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. 

"I'm sorry," he laughed, sinking into my sheets. "I made a mess."

"It's fine," I shrugged. "You can just sleep in it."

He laughed again, not as strong this time. "Sweet fucking Titania..." he whispered. 

Soon, tears were streaming from his ocean eyes. I didn't know what to do. I brought myself into his lap, kissing away his tears.

"I shouldn' 'ave done 'at," he cried, pulling me into him.

"Why not?" I asked. "Was it not good?"

"I 'ave a shitty fuckin' boyfrien'," he wept. "'E would 'ave never done 'alf of what ya did. 'E doesn't even love me."

"Salvador," I brought his gaze to meet mine.

I stared into his eyes, trying to decipher what was behind them. If this other guy was his boyfriend, why didn't he love him? I ignored my thoughts, instead planting my lips on his again. His tears didn't stop falling but his cries were silenced. He pushed back against me, asking me for more. I wrapped him in a hug. Even though I couldn't stop the river flowing from his eyes, at least I could be there for him.

"Sleep with me," I commanded.

"All 'ight," he laid his head against my chest.

I found my first love if I knew what that was.

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