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I finally caught Kane on his own. I had been following him for a few days, hating how his ice wings glittered in the Sun, hating his dumb accent, and his stupid outfit. I wanted to kill him.

"Hey Bitchvitsky," I approached him. "Why the fuck you would you mess with Salvador?"

"I don't knov vhat your are talking about," Kane walked away.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," I zipped in front of him. "You think you could fucking use a pixie like him, didn't you? You never loved him, did you?"

"Net," he shook his head. "He vaz juzt a replacement for my Vitya."

"You asshole," I clenched my fist.

"Vhat? You expected more from me? I'm not from here, zhopa. I juzt miss my one from back home."

"I never expected any less from you," I glared. "But he did and you're the zhopa for hurting him."

"Vhat?" Kane crossed his arms.

I hit him, my fist colliding with his jaw. Kane took a few steps back, stunned and pained. Then he charged at me. I pushed up with my wings, floating above him in the air, crashing back down into his back. He stumbled forward, giving me enough time to get on my feet.

"Hov can zuch a tiny pixie get me?" he lunged again. 

I dodged, swinging for his feet. He stumbled down again, catching himself on his hands before he hit the floor. Sure, Kane was almost as tall as Salvador was, standing at three seven while I was at three four. I wasn't that tiny. I didn't care. I launched at him, feeling his elbow connect to my jaw. I hit the wall, reeling in pain. It wasn't something I hadn't felt before. I still managed to land a better punch on him while my chest was broken. I could begin to taste copper, knowing blood was filling my mouth. I stood up, unwavering. I was fighting for Salvador's honor here, his hand. I wanted to let him in, to love him, to cherish him, and access every inch of his body any time I wanted. He was mine. I would make sure of that. 

"If you vant him, have him," Kane seethed. "It'z not vorth zhis."

"Oh it's fucking worth it," I launched at him again. 

I aimed like I was heading for his midsection, flying upward before his arms caved around me. I clung to the ceiling, the archway above his head. He was confused for a moment before searching for me. I dropped down. I heard a piece of ice skitter across the floor, seeing that I had chipped part of his wing. His eyes shot fire in my direction. I wrapped my arms tighter around his collarbone, knowing he couldn't reach me from where I was. I had to think of something better. I could kick his ass.

Kane ran back into the wall, trying to slam me against it. I kicked off the wall, sending him careening into the opposite one. I dropped off his side, sending his head towards the floor. He landed with a nice thud upon the wood floors of Delta Ace. I stepped back as he scrambled back to his feet once again. 

He moved to me again. I stood still, waiting. He left his left side open, I landed a swift fist against his jaw again. The force of it sent him flying against the wall. He didn't move again, insisting on his defeat.

"If you ever think of hurting Salvador again, getting near him ever again," I spit blood onto the wall next to him. "You'll answer to me, got it? That means you stay far away from my room, from his, and if you have missions, so help me, you stay out of his tent. I will kill you. Next time, I'm bringing my daggers with me."

Kane nodded, finding it hard to breathe. I picked myself up, heading down to the bath room. I looked in the mirror. My jaw was bruised, my lip a bit cut but that was the extent of my injuries. I had left Kane much worse off, though my body still flinched in pain. 

I ran a hot bath. Heat would ease away the bruises, reduce the swelling. If Salvador saw me like this, he might not be happy that I'd fought Kane on my own. I sank into the steaming water, tensing as it turned my skin red with heat.

"Hey," Avery walked into the room. "Whoa, what happened to you?"

"I fought Kane," I shrugged, putting my arms behind my head.

"For Salvador?" his eyebrow raised.

"He nearly killed him a few days ago," I mused about it. "I thought I'd return the favor, the feeling."

"So you and Salvador are a thing?" Avery started pouring himself a bath.

"I guess so," I shook my head. "He committed to me last night."

"You know that means you can't sleep with other people, right?" Avery deadpanned. 

"Eh," I tilted my head. "I didn't think about that."

"You know, the only person I ever offered myself to was a Nixie named Natalia," Avery stared into the bath water. "She died though. I haven't been able to move on. You convinced me to try someone else but I guess, I have to find someone else."

"Sucks," I leaned back.

"Asshole," Avery sighed, raising the water to cover my head.

I stood fast, the water not leaving my face. I would breathe it in if he didn't stop. This wasn't my first time drowning in a school bath room. I hated this clown. I focused myself, sending anything in the room flying in his direction. I hated struggling like this. Avery let me go, sinking down into his bath. 

"Bitch," I coughed.

"You ruined what could have been a great friendship," Avery crossed his arms. 

"Zhopa," I hissed.

"Don't speak Quickian to me, wretch," Avery shot. "I know a lot about languages, it was one of my specialties."

I waited until my skin started to burn like coals. I got out of the bath, finding myself wondering down the hall to Salvador's room, wearing a towel like a dress.

"'Hat 'appened?" Salvador flew to me.

"A little mishap," I shrugged. "That's all."

"With who?" he was like my mother, pouring herself over me when I was hurt but only in private. Never letting him see.

"Kane," I admitted, not able to withhold it from him. 

"'Itania, Caius," he deflated. "Why?"

"You should see him!" I threw my hands up, falling onto his bed. "He's worse off than I am. I gave him a good one. I was fighting for your honor, for your hand. You're mine now."

"Ya didn' need to do 'at to prove it," Sal sighed. 

"I did for your honor," I rolled over, letting the towel fall onto the floor. "I do believe I won it, fair and square."

Sal gave me an exasperated smile. He clearly had no protests. Honor was important, he wasn't a coward. Neither was I. I think I proved it.

"'Ow bona to vada your dolly ol' eek," Salvador grinned.

"Excuse me?" I shot him a look.

"It means nice to see your pre'y face," Salvador laughed. "It's an ancient langugae called Polari, it's from Medowlark."

"I like your pretty face," I rested a hand on his cheek.

"'Anks for defendin' my honor."

"I'll do it again and again if I have to," I shrugged.

I would honestly kick any piece of ass just for Salvador. He was mine now, my long-lasting drug, my only thought, my one and only. I could stay with just Salvador for a very long time and I wouldn't mind. That is what commitment was to me. As for the love, I wasn't quite sure where that was yet.

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