Hidden Gems

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I woke up to noisy snoring. I crept out of my tent, thankful for the hot summer humidity that pressed against my skin. Salvador was sitting by the fire, having rekindled it. I sat down next to him on the log, not caring that I was only in my black underwear. He didn't seem to care either, he was only in his pants. 

"Is that ungodly noise Kane?" I asked.

"Yeah," Salvador kept his eyes on the fire. "'Is is eve'y night. Ya 'ave no idea."

"How do you stand him?" I pressed my leg against his.

"I 'ave no idea," he shook his head.

"You can't stop thinking about it, can you?" 

"No," he collapsed. "An' I really shouldn' be. 'E didn' even notice, can ya believe it? I cheat an' 'e doesn' even notice."

"You really shouldn't be with him," I felt my shoulders slump. I was tired, there was no denying it. 

"Yeah," Salvador leaned onto his knees.

"Where are you from?" I looked back at his wings. I wanted to touch them again.

"I'm par' of 'he Downwonder Evonne Fae," he turned his head towards me. 

"Never heard of them," I blinked.

"'At's because we're not from aroun' 'ere. It's 'hree planets away, on Medowlark." 

"You're not even from Newartic?"

"Nah," he sat up again. "'At's why I got inked, to remin' myself of 'here I'm from."

"You're from so far away," I touched his wing, his shoulder flinching at the touch.

"I don' 'ink I coul' stomach 'he journey back," he shook his head. "It was so long an' I couldn' breathe 'he whole time."

"I'm sorry," I felt the edge of his wide blue wing between my fingers. They were so thin, so fragile. They reminded me of the ancient Chi-Wong paper fans we saw in my one history class in Ofendel.

"What abou' you?" he wondered.

"I..." I hesitated. "I don't have anyone. It's just me. Has been for some time now."

"'Ey die?" 

"No," I dropped my hand, pulling off to myself.

"I shouldn' pry," he held back.

"You wouldn't want to know where I come from," I took a shaky breath.

"I do," he set a hand on my leg. "If it's too painful for ya, 'en I'll stop asking."

"I'll find the courage to tell you one day," I promised.

"Is 'at why ya passed out yesterday?" 

"Yeah," I felt ashamed. "Avery asked about my clan. It brought back so much I'd been running from."

Salvador took his chance to copy me, lifting my chin so my eyes met his. I quickly scanned his face, looking for anything. He was being sincere, he was truly kind and graceful. I pulled him closer, kissing him softly. I felt a tear drip down my cheek. I didn't need to cry right now. I was impossibly twisted around Salvador. He could play me just right and I wasn't sure he even knew it. He was so kind, so earnest, so precious. He was a snake, wrapping me tighter until I could no longer escape. 

Someone shuffled in one of the tents. He pulled away from me. 

"I'm sorry," his face flushed. He wiped the tear from my face with his thumb.

"It's fine," I moved away, looking towards the rising sun. It was pink and yellow and orange and red. 

"How can anyone sleep with that?" Avery crawled out of our tent. 

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