You're Finally Awake

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I woke up. My back was sore. I immediately checked my wings. They were there, still in tact. Everything was fine. I looked around the tent. My bedroll and Sal's. My boots were at the door. My clothes were still on. My face felt stuck together. Had I been crying? What a weak little bitch. I didn't remember what we were doing, why we were here. I didn't even remember falling asleep in the daytime. Had we gone far? I'd be exhausted if we had. Maybe that was it.

I slipped my boots on and got out. Avery was sitting at the fire, black stains on his cheeks. What was up with that? Also, a fire during the day. Weird. Unless we were making food. Unless we were waiting for something?

"Caius!" Sal embraced me.

"Hey," I laughed. That felt weird. I backed up. 

"How are ya feelin'?" He asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"I'm fine," I shook off the awkwardness. "Why?"

"Nothin' I guess," Sal shrugged. "It's jus' rare for ya to sleep during 'he day." 

"Stop asking," Avery piped up. 

"What are you doing anyway?" I glared at him. 

"Cooking fish, princess," Avery sighed. "I'm sure you forgot that. I offered you some before you crashed."

"I was tired," I defended myself. "You know long flights make me exhausted."

"Oh shut up," Avery rolled his eyes. "You don't even remember why we're here. I have to keep telling you."

"We're on our way back to Delta Ace, yeah?" Sal gave me a soft smile but there was something hiding beneath his face. "Got one more day of travel left."

"I didn't forget," I lied. I had completely forgotten what we were doing.

"And I'm sure the demon that had possessed you isn't still causing spots in your memory," Avery replied. "Liar."

"Shut the fuck up," I charged at him.

He put up a hand in defense. There was a black cut across his palm. Was that done by me? My hands pinned to my sides. Damn his water magic.

Something about the black blood pulled at my thoughts. He had cut himself? Or was it me? Had I fought Avery again? I think I remembered doing that. Maybe that's why he was being so hostile now. 

"Let me go, Nixie bitch," I growled.

"Why? I thought you liked being tied up and fucked with."

"Hey, 'at's private affairs," Sal intruded.

"Whatever," Avery released his hold on me. "I want to get back to Delta Ace but the moons are going to rise soon."

I glanced back to Sal. He had started to sprout stubble across his face like we'd been travelling for days. Or waiting for days. It felt so weird but yet, like I knew exactly what was going on. 

Sweet Titania, my back was sore. What the fuck had I been doing? Could it have been from sex? Sleeping on the ground? 

"Why does my back hurt so fucking much?" I seethed, sitting down on a rock by the fire. 

Sal and Avery exchanged a glance. I didn't like that. Sal was my property. The fuck was he communicating with Avery for.

"Don't you experience sore muscles after flying long distances? I think I heard a pixie bitch about that one before," Avery looked off into the woods. "Might have been you."

"Come 'ere," Sal gestured to the space between his legs. 

"Hell no," I pointed at Avery. "Not with the Nixie bitch here."

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