When We Are Graced

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We were finally receiving our new members. Salvador was tasked with answering the door if anyone knocked and taking bags upstairs by request of Zephyr. I sat in a booth with him. I may have ordered a few drinks. I welcomed the light buzz while I was bored out of my mind. 

Salvador got up again. I took a couple of swallows of raspberry nectar. I glared at Kane, who sat two tables down, chatting easily with Nostra and Aelianna. Again, he was acting like any typical pixie. Why didn't everyone else see he was some monster?

"Sorry 'bout 'his," Sal sat down again.

"I don't know why you're bothering to sit. The next knock will be someone delivering that fae's bag, and you'll have to take it upstairs," I waved him off. 

"I suppose," he shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"I don't really mind either way," I tapped my fingers against the book I read when he went upstairs. "I'm glad you've got some strength worth displaying. Maybe it's your kindness that made Zephyr choose you. You are the nicest soul in Delta Ace."

He rubbed my fingers. "Ya sometimes say 'he sweetest 'ings."

"Fuck you," I smirked.

Another knock sounded. I huffed as his chair squeaked his exit. I rested back into glaring in Kane's direction. Maybe I shouldn't have joined Salvador today. I didn't want others to think he was available. Any new kids who thought he was for the taking. Was I marking my territory?

"Vhat do you vant?" Kane finally spoke up as Nostra and Aelianna went up to the bar.

"You to die," I tossed my hood down.

"Zhat's not very nice."

I held up my fingers in an F letter, the Newartic way to say fuck you. 

"I don't understand hov Zal can like zomething like you," Kane crossed his arms.

"Why? He loved you for a year." 

Kane stood so quickly his chair flew out from under him. I got up, but the table forced me down into my seat. I stumbled back.

"You are an idiot," Kane strolled by. "A complete Apyak."

"I am still better than you, though," I raised my glass in his direction.

"'Hat are ya talkin' to Ice Queen for?" Sal eased back into his chair.

"Insulting him," I watched as he approached Avery at the bar. "Why? It's not like he's too far beneath me to jab at sometimes."

"No reason," Sal watched as Kane left, slamming Delta Ace's door behind him.

"How many new kids are we getting anyway?"

"Eight, if I remember correctly," Sal tapped the table. "I've already brough' in 'ree."

"So five more to go," I crossed my legs. "Good, I'm getting a bit too high."

I don't know how many more came through before Zephyr approached our table for the first time today. He sat down beside Salvador. I was lost in my book but also in my head. I couldn't help but be drawn in by their conversation. 

"The next girl is critical," Zephyr instructed him. "Make sure she gets in here safely. I'm not sure what else could be following her."

"Is she dangerous or somethin'?" Sal sounded confused.

"No, she's the very last of her clan," he leaned back. I heard his chair squeak. "The rest were all slaughtered many years ago. I was there. Evenectine fire clans were suddenly under a lot of scrutinies. My mentor adopted the poor girl. I knew she was important ever since I met her. Many things are about to change in Citadel. Keep an eye out."

"'Ow will I know it's 'er?"

"You'll know," Zephyr laughed. "If not for the presence she has, it's the pattern of her wings. You've never seen them."


"Not quite but close. She's something else. Wait until she arrives. You'll know."

I waited until Zephyr walked away. I peered at Salvador from over my book. Changes? I didn't quite like those. I wondered what Zephyr expected. Things were going to change. Was this the culmination that we were waiting for? 

"You really think one girl can be that important here?"

Sal smirked. "We are all 'ere for a reason, 'at's 'hat 'he le'er says. I could believe it, yeah."

"If we're all important, doesn't that make us all the same?"

"We're puppets in Zeph's game. We play 'he world as 'e sees it."

"I'm not sure I can stock into anything Zephyr says."

"Guess 'e'll 'ave to wait an' see," Sal winked at me. 

There was a knock. I rolled my eyes as Sal bolted. Zephyr liked to play head games. I had no stock in the fact that he could see everything as it was to play out. That would take some severe Gifting, probably from the gods. We all knew how they were. I was abandoned by them all my life. 

But the second I saw this new girl enter, something in me stirred. Salvador sat back down as she passed by with Zephyr. Her green eyes dwelled on my face for a second too long. Her wings were nothing I had ever seen before. The entirety of her presence left me...dumbfounded. 

When she had disappeared upstairs, I felt the ability to speak again.

"Now do ya believe she'll change everythin'?" Sal was giving me an idiotic look.

"Not easily if I have something to do with it," I fired back. 

I wanted to talk to this girl, but she was elusive the rest of the evening. She stuck around Alton and the Nixie bitch. The more I thought about it, though, I realized her first couple of days here would be busy. I would meet her eventually. I had to wait.

"Want to head upstairs?" I grabbed Sal's hand when dinner was over.

"After 'he day I've 'ad? Of course."

We tussled in his bed a bit. I straddled his waist as he removed my sweatshirt.

"I think we should get a radio in here," I grinned when he revealed my face again.

"Oh yeah? Ya want to disturb 'he neighbors more?"

"No," I unbuttoned his vest. "I was merely thinking having sex with you while listening to music heavy in guitars in drums may enhance the experience."

"Get out of ya head," he kissed me. "You're 'ere with me righ' now."

"Right," I leaned down, kissing his abs. "And we're just getting more naked."

I traced his ink with my fingers. He was right, getting lost in my head never ended well. It usually ended with crying. 

It wouldn't stop me from loving Salvador. Not today. I'll be damned.

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