That Night

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I wasn't even sleeping. I couldn't believe it, Salvador returned to my bed once again. This time though, he wasn't being kneaded through my hands. He was just here, resting.

Though I could tell by the way he breathed, he wasn't sleeping.

He switched sides, facing himself towards my back. I felt my wing twitch out of nerves. Damn it. Damn it all.

"Caius," he whispered as if anyone else would find him here if he spoke. "Are ya zonked?"

"No," I answered, not bothering to stay quiet.

I felt Salvador slip a hand onto my hip, his warmth so much more alluring then the thought of his lips. I resisted though, fighting the idea of him against my body's protest.

"Not tonight," I stated.

"Why not?" Salvador sat up beside me, his hand moving along my side.

I sat up, completely unsure. I wasn't sure of why I answered, why I resisted, why I was so miffed at the thought of him right now.

"I don't want to incur any more wrath," I tried. "You cheated once, I don't want to fall for a cheater. I want you to commit to me before I go any further with you."

"Ya wan' me to commit?" He flushed.

"Yes," I crossed my arms.

"I don' know if you'll still love me," Salvador deflated.

"Sweet fucking Titania," I sighed. "I wouldn't fall for you if I had thought it was possible. If I hadn't started to feel it, I wouldn't be here. I'm ensnared by you, captivated. I don't care what you are like, I am finding myself captured by you the more I'm around you."

His eyes searched me. I didn't want to get angry about his self-loathing but that's what came out of me. I didn't back down.

"Can..." He brought a hand to his hair. "Can we do it again?"

"Why?" I pressed.

"I want to make sure you'll still love me when I'm sober," his face was so red. "I know I'm not the same. I want to make sure you still like it."

"I don't care about how you love when you're sober," I sighed, resting a hand on his cheek. "I like you for you. For the you that follows me around like a lost puppy, the one that looks so gorgeous, that cares so much about his family and the world he left behind that he had it permanently attached to him."

"I don' know," his face turned redder if it could.

I couldn't help myself, sweet fucking Titania. I remembered every reason why I fell for him in the first place. He was absolutely gorgeous, precious, and so kind. I thought over how he was so giving, presiding over me when I had passed out, bearing the majority of the brute work so others didn't have to. He changed my mind.

I moved into his lap, slinking. I crawled over him, keeping one hand on the headboard so he watched me carefully.

I grinned. "Bless Titania, you really need to stop doubting yourself."

I leaned in, kissing him. His kisses were honestly an addiction. From the nectar night to the campfire the other day. They cycled in my mind endlessly repeating repeating repeating. I recalled wanting to drown in him, how much that hungered and drove me. I submitted, allowing myself.

Salvador rolled me over onto my back. He continued to kiss me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Sal tasted like shortbread. I wasn't quite sure why, but his mouth was sweet. He hadn't really eaten anything at dinner except some bread, too afraid of what had befallen him. His saliva was thick though, his tongue adventurous. I grabbed at his hair, loving that the short curls never quite stayed between my fingers.

I pushed him over, running my hands along his hips. He was so lovely. I kissed his neck, pausing to bite his ear.

"Caius," he gasped, his voice breathy and wonderful.

I pulled back, staring dumbfounded at his face. Again. I wanted that again again again again again.

"I, uh, sorry," he got bashful again.

"No," I shook my head. "No, no. Do that again. Say my name."

I dove further into his vast ocean. I kissed across his abdomen, trying anything I could to get that noise out of him once again. I scratched at his side, sliding my tongue across more vulnerable places on his body.

Again again again again. "Caius," he managed to say, his hand gripping my hair, pulling me closer to him.

Again again again again again again. "Caius."

Caius Caius Caius Caius Caius.

I loved the way he sounded. I pushed my way into him, desiring more. This time, his mess fell upon him, not my sheets. We parted ways, him getting out of my bed to clean himself off. He found something, then returning to my side once again. He wrapped his body close to mine, all parts of him shameless.

"Caius," he whispered in my ear. 

"I love it when you say my name," I grinned.

"Caius," he leaned closer, his breath dowsing my ear in warmth. "I 'ink I love ya."

I felt my heartbeat pick up. Love me? Was I even capable of love? Whatever it was, I had started to feel it. I resisted it, however. Love resulted in my mother falling for a horrid man. Love had ruined Sister Claire's time with me. Love was a sacrament I wasn't ready for.

"Caius," he softly kissed my neck. "I wholly, and willin'ly, commit myself to ya."

"Good," I turned to face him. "I commit to you too. I want to wash every thought of Kane from your mind, I want to be the sole focus of your attention."

He smiled at me, his blue eyes filled with happiness. One thing I enjoyed about Salvador was his sincerity. He never hinted at something malicious. No wonder he had been such a fool. He saw no intent in anyone because he never held it within himself. He was silly, thinking no one would take advantage of his kind heart.

"Caius," he grinned. "I love the way your name sounds."

"Coming from your mouth," I smirked. "I like it too."

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