Waves Tossed in the Ocean

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I woke up in Salvador's room, still recounting the events of the night before. Sal had yet to return, which created a well of worry deep inside my stomach but I shoved it off. Salvador was strong, he could hold his own against anything.

I walked over to his dresser, this simple little thing made of oak. I opened his top drawer, smiling when I found Sal's underwear. I grabbed a pair, slipping out of my own and into one of his. His waist was clearly bigger than mine but the elastic band kept it up, the fabric pressing against my skin. He liked things tight. I felt myself get hard at the idea, blissfully so.

I searched further into the drawer, finding wool socks, cotton socks, and buried far at the back, a necklace. There was a giant pointed and serated tooth hanging from the black string. It too was black in color, the top a light tan where the gums must have been. I slipped it around my neck, liking that it fell below my chest.

I explored further, finding the next drawer held vests. Many, many of them were varying blue, but hidden along the back were some in different colors. There was a yellow, green, red, grey, and black vest. All of the fabric was stiff, something I hadn't noticed before. I spent most of my time taking these things off rather than feeling them.

I slid open the bottom drawer, it squealing in protest. His canvas pants rested inside, most of them white. He had a tan pair and a black pair too. Why did he choose the same basic things?

"'Hat are you doing?"

I jumped, flying around to see Salvadvor leaning in the window-like cut out to his bedroom wall. He was smiling at me.

"I was waiting for you," I felt strongly embarrassed.

"Don' get me wrong, I like seein' ya in my blue skivvies," he walked up the two steps. "Just wondered why."

"I don't know," I turned around, my face flushing.

He approached me, laying his hands on my exposed sides. "Caius," he whispered.

"Yeah?" I leaned my head to the side while he kissed my neck, pulling me closer to him. His body beckoned and mine called.

"I quite like ya with my clothes on," he grinned at my ear.

I grabbed his hands, forcing them down on myself. He was making my life far too hard, I anticipated his touch.

"Ah," I could tell he was smiling to himself. He slipped one hand inside the waistband, the other drawing up along my neck.

"Sal," I sighed.


"Just shut up and fuck me already."

"Nah," he grabbed the tooth that hung from the necklace. "Ya know, my great-grandfather gave me 'is. It comes from a creature called a Megalodon, very scary."

"Stop," I was getting frustrated.

"'Is was the smallest tooth it 'ad, can you believe it?"

"Sal," I sighed.

His hand slipped around me. I gasped, shocked at how bravely he would go about me. I wasn't ready, figuring he'd just tease me some more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, opening myself up to him, keeping my wings pressed flat against his chest. My head began to buzz with fuzzy feelings, sexy and arousing feelings, dirty and insane feelings. 

"Ya know 'ow many times I prolly messed myself in 'ese?" he whispered in my ear.

"No," I whispered, finding my voice much breathier, much sexier than I normally would have allowed it to be.

"I'll make ya do 'he same," his free hand found itself by my neck again and my thoughts went far nastier.

"Salvador," I grabbed at his hair, my legs feeling weak.

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