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This man must have been Leviathan. He stood shoulders above us on the podium. He had long dark hair that he pulled back behind his head. He had no indications of facial hair. He appeared to be our age, maybe a few years older. His clothes were ancient, a suit with no jacket. A red dress shirt, a grey vest, black pants. Attached to his side was a sheath for a knife. His red eyes bore down upon us.

"I am Domascus," he bowed. "Or Leviathan, if you desire. Nox, my splinter, what have you come into my shrine for?"

"I came to make a bargain," he winced. "Not on my own behalf but another's."

"Come now," he chuckled. "I am a generous man. I can appease all your wishes."

I was terrified to speak up. A god. An honest to real god was before me. These were the fae who hurt me. The fae that continued to rain misfortune into my life. I was almost afraid for all the years I spent talking shit on them. 

"Caius," Nox spoke up. "This knife doesn't feel like butterflies. Say what we've come here for."

"Right," I exhaled. 

Then he was before me. My hood was yanked down from my face. He chuckled once again.

"You know, black hair, red eyes, you're almost the spitting image of my son," he grinned. "My, if he's as will-driven as you in a few years, I'd be proud. But you are different. You're Nocturne, yes? Close enough to home that I'd be willing to bargain."

"I came to ask for my wings back," I willed myself to say it. 

"Hmmm," he shifted between the three of us. "Are you truly deserving of that gift in return?"

"Sir, I-" I stopped myself. Was I being polite? Pleading to a god? "I couldn't fly for a larger part of my life. I appreciate it more than I do most things in my life. I would like them back."

"This isn't the first time you're getting your wings back," he crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"And do you appreciate most things in your life? The freedom? Your boyfriend over here? I've never seen you express gratitude. You're mostly instilled with fear."

"I am frightened by a lot of things," I admitted. "I can agree to that. But that's not my fault-"

"Your father," he smirked. "That's who you're going to pinpoint this on? Everything begins and ends with that star, doesn't it? That's quite all right, he's the wretched one who took your wings the first time."


But it filled me. He was beating me. Ana Clara Nintia at the table. Mom at the table. No response. But then crash. Glass shattered. It hurt so much I screamed. I blacked out. 

"Our SON Evan!" My mother screamed.

This wasn't my memory. It was Analeise's. The fear that settled in her. And the cane. Brought down upon me. They pieced themselves together. He carried me back upstairs. I awoke alone and hungry. With a phantom of pain I wasn't sure was real.

My hands were shaking. Something was sitting so heavily on my chest, my breath came out erratic, like I had been running. Tears fell, pouring down my fast so quickly I could barely catch them.

"It's horrifying isn't it?" Domascus softly touched my face. "I shall give you a moment to recollect yourself."

"Caius," Salvador reached for me. 

"Ah, Salvador," Domascus turned towards him. "The boy with the blood of my fae through his veins. What is it you desire?"

Sal swallowed roughly. Even he was scared of the monster before us. My guess was he was thinking. I forced my shaking hands over my mouth before I could throw up. I would trigger it again if I wasn't careful. 

"I want to stay with Caius forever," he said.

"I apologize," Domascus straightened. "That's already been promised for you. I do appreciate that is the first thing to come into your mind. Shows your valiance for him. There's nothing else you wish for? Not even power?"

"No," Sal shook his head. "'Ere's nothin' I want more 'an to be with Caius an' protect 'im."

"Truly honorable," Domascus smiled. "I was willing to give my own life for the woman I love. I think you would be willing to do the same."

"Don't take him," I managed to say between breaths.

"I wouldn't dare," Domascus shook his head. "We must all maintain some good things in our lives. Besides, love is too precious to take away. Now, Nox, my splinter, what do you desire?"

As he approached Nox, Sal moved over and allowed me to cling to him. My head ceased spinning. Then I remembered Seamus. I pulled the little snake from my sleeve. He seemed startled but he was alive. Cold. He slipped back into my sweatshirt for warmth. I let him go. 

"You know what I desire," he gasped. I couldn't imagine how painful it was to have a wound that continued to try to heal itself while ripping itself open. "I want my fae back. I want to stop being alone."

"I accept that you've said so aloud," Domascus nodded. "I have a gift coming for you soon that will seal these dreams for you."

Nox didn't move. He didn't even say thank you. His gifts come with a price. He knew it would hurt.

"Caius," Domascus turned back towards me. "Have you centered yourself?"

"As much as I can," my hands were still shaking and my chest hurt. 

"I'm not sure you're as deserving of a gift."

"Why not?" I wanted to cry again.

"You've killed your father," the man glowered at me.

"I did what?" I sputtered. "I couldn't have. I can't even be near him. Yesterday, I ran from him."

"You did, with your familiar."

Seamus slithered out from under my sweatshirt. He seemed remorseful towards me. I didn't even know. That dream...was real? My father had been killed. I had ordered Seamus to kill him because he wanted me dead. My father my father my father was




Seamus bowed his head. "I was only trying to protect him. It was my doing. He knows not what he did."

"Then I only see one befitting exchange for new wings," he crossed his arms. "You must give up all your celestial powers, aside from turning into a snake so that you are reminded of what you are. You give up your familiar and all memories pertaining to him, including these last few days. He gets to move on to his happy afterlife and you stay here."

"All my celestial power?" I didn't see any harm in that. I didn't utilize my powers at all. Did Domascus know that? 

"For the rest of your days unless you would like to know the pain of what you've done," Domascus smiled. 

"I'll agree to it," I nodded. "It's fair to me."

"All right," he opened his hand.

My body flooded with so much pain, I screamed once again.

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