Versus Avery

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"I think your skills need a little help," Zephyr sat down next to me. "I've arranged for you to do another battle with another student."

"Uh, okay," I set down my fork. "I'm pretty sure I'm not the one who needs help."

"You're not," Zephyr's voice dropped to a whisper. "But I'm not going to tell him that."

"Fine," I stood up. "Are we going?"

"Sure enough," Zephyr stood, leading me outside. 

He lead me into the practice arena I had been in the previous day, where my ass had been handed to me. The other pixie on the floor was the obnoxiously pink one, who had his ass handed to him by a girl with rapiers. 

"Avery, this is Caius," Zephyr welcomed me in. "He's willing to fight you in your do-over match."

"Fair enough," Avery stood proud. 

"Remember, no dirty tricks. No rough hits. Go."

I floated my daggers out of my boots, spinning them in a circle behind me. Instead, Avery started to dance, bringing his body far too close to mine. He was whispering words of a spell. Suddenly, I was drawn in. I began to dance with him, following his body closely.

Avery moved one of his arms by my neck. I glided along, feeling the charm of his invisible music. My daggers tinked into the floor, falling from my grasp. I was hypnotized, finding my life getting harder for me. 

"Caius, hm?" Avery grinned. "You're a very good dancer."

"I could say the same about you," I smirked. 

"I hear you're quite the deviant," he shook his head. "You get far too into far too many pixies."

"Strange to hear you say that," I brought myself close to him. "You're making me want to do the same to you."

"Except I'm not a pixie," he whispered.

"You're not?" I wondered, searching his body up and down. He looked like a pixie to me.

He sighed, clearly having lost his charm.

He started his dance all over again. I was out of his charm. I lifted my daggers from the ground, shooting one at him before he could hypnotize me again. I was slightly aroused by the way he danced, he could really shake his hips. I wondered what else he could do.

He dodged the dagger, it whizzing by his ear. I heard something odd, like a strange song. There was drum and flute and I think a guitar. The music was charming, making me want to dance. I tried to fight it, throwing another dagger oblong at Avery.

He was humming now too, dodging yet another dagger. I fell back into a trance. He convinced me to dance yet again, falling back under his spell like a snake charmer. My hips swayed easily with his, feeling my body get loose. Again, my life became hard for me. Avery landed a swift smack on my ass. I felt that euphoria I normally did when I ravished others. I fell forward, my legs too weak from the initial explosion to hold my body up. 

Avery stood over me, smiling like an idiot. He rested his hands on my hips, pulling my secretions from me. He just made me do that in front of the sixteen other fae in the room. I was livid. It swirled around in the air, seemingly under his control. I hit my leg against the floor, my daggers rising at once to my command. I struck down Avery, the daggers chasing him away from me. I reached to move, finding my clothes pinned to the floor by spikes of my own...sweet Titania what an ass.

I could lift my head though. I chased Avery down with those daggers, pinning him against a wall. 

"I guess," Zephyr popped into the ring. "I suppose this is a tie if I've ever seen one. Avery, please lift him from the floor."

"Only if he lets me go," Avery shot back.

"I'll let you go when you release me from my own mess," I glared.

"I can't move my hands," he smirked.

I sighed, removing my daggers. They returned softly into my boots as the mess floated out of my clothes, swirling back into Avery's hands.

"That was certainly interesting," Zephyr stood there. "Tell you what, Avery, I'll move you to Team Rose Gold."

"My team?" I shot up. "I don't want to deal with this bastard, he just made that in front of people! I prefer a private show."

"I do apologize," Avery offered me a hand to get up. "I control water, see. I also am a tailor but I needed the water to weaponize. Knowing what I know of your...newfound reputation, I knew one simple way to get water from you."

"Disgusting," I crossed my arms.

"I wouldn't have desired it that way, no," Zephyr shook his hand. "Caius, why don't you go rest up? The nectar party is tonight, everyone who is in Delta Ace will attend."

"Fine," I huffed, walking out. 

I headed, instead, into town. I found myself the post office and the shops. Many people were selling wares in an open market at the center of town. I found what I was looking for. I took my prize back to my room, opening it up. I took the brush, writing the names into the ceiling. These were my victims, this way I wouldn't lose track like I had at Ofendel. I would never have to face a shame beating or harsh words because I had forgotten I had previously ravished a victim. I looked at the five names with pride. I could remember them for now.

I looked outside, seeing the sun set. The party was about to begin. I had never tried nectar before but now I was interested. I headed downstairs.

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