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We hiked up to the cave. I felt a fit of burning rage as Sal helped Alton left and right. I still couldn't believe he was not blind. After what I saw in the arena, those glowing red eyes. They terrified me, reminding me too much of my father. Except the glowing was like it could possess my mind, take control of me. I could kill. 

"I found something," I pressed onward.

A wide cavern opened before me. I stepped inside. The room was large enough to hold what we looked for. Sal peaked inside, Alton close behind him. A wall closed us in, plunging us into darkness. Quickly, torches lit themselves around the room.

"What are we here for again?" I asked.

"A gauntlet of some sort," Alton pressed his hands against the wall. "Hey, what's this?"

Sal leaned over. "It's some sorta language I don' know."

"I couldn't help you," I kept to myself.

"What's 'at?" Sal wondered further. 

"Hold on," Alton moved his hand again. "This is Poke for poison."

"What the hell is Poke?" I glared at him.

"It's a raised language for blind people," Alton shot back. "Haven't you heard of it?"

"Never," I shook my head. "Salvador?"

He didn't respond. He was standing still before something golden. 

"Sal?" I approached him.

He swung his ax back in my direction. I was quick enough to duck to the ground. Fuck, it was like a nightmare coming true. His eyes were clouded over with something purple. His ax sank into the stone wall. He muscled it out, aiming for me again.

"Alton, get out of here!" I called. "Straight forward into the next room, close the door."

"What's going on?" The terror in his voice made me feel compassionate almost if I could really feel that.

"GO!" I shouted, moving again before Sal sank his ax into me once again.

I commanded my daggers from my boots. I slid along the floor, removing myself from Salvador's path. He brought his ax down over my head. I threw up my daggers. His blade knocked two daggers from their hilts. I watched them skitter along the cavern floor.

"Salvador," I begged. 

He didn't let up, he wasn't even phased. He raised his ax to attack once more. I would have to fight him. I couldn't hurt him. Salvador was too precious to me. I closed my eyes. I had to do this. Just like I fought off Kane. 

I sat up, elbowing one of his legs out from under him. He took much more force, my man was built. He crashed down on his sweet ass. A small flutter brought him off the ground again. Great, this demon knew how to fly. I slipped behind him, holding his wings still, wrapping an arm around his neck. It was enough to freeze any pixie, whose wings could shatter. Instead, Salvador brought his elbow crashing into my rib cage. I dropped to the ground again. Fuck. His ax slid along my arm, nearly taking off my arm but I was fast. I got up.

"Salvador, please," I aimed myself for his midsection. 

He didn't relent. I flew as fast as I could, knocking him over into the wall. He grabbed my sweatshirt, slamming me against the wall opposite. He was so strong. My head went fuzzy, I was lucky my shoulder hit the wall rather than my back. My poor wings. Honestly, this fight miffed me. I'd be aroused if I wasn't so terrified. I lifted a hand, forcing the daggers to pin him against the wall. Without sleeves on, though, his arms were still free. I lifted myself up.

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