34. Skmony

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Heather's POV

I stared at Sky and End.

"What the-how the-what the-how the-wh-WHAT!?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

"End, Sky, two questions. HOW and WHY!? WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?" As I said this, something else came to my realization.

"Heather." Sky said, but I ignored her.

"HE'S YOUR UNCLE!" I screamed at Sky.

"Heather." I ignored her again.




"HEATHER!!!" She finally shut me up.

"First of all, his real name is Harmony. Second, he isn't actually Chaos's brother, and third of all, Draco and I got a divorce." She explained.

Divorce? She and Draco got a divorce? Eh, honestly I saw it coming. I've seen Percy and Annabeth together, and Nico and Thalia, Jason and Piper, Frank and Hazel, Leo and Calypso, Travis and Katie. All of them look at each other with a spark in their eyes. Justin looks at me that way to. But Draco and Sky? I've never seen that look in their eyes when their together. It was more of a longing. The spark may have been there once, but I geuss it must've faded over time.

The real thing that caught my attention is what she said first.


"Yeah. That's his real name." Sky said. I grinned. Yeah yeah yeah, I know I was completly against this a minute ago, but that was before I found out that En-I mean, Harmony and Chaos weren't actually related, and that Sky and Draco got divorced. Now, I need a ship name!

"Later!" I said. I have to go talk to Bella so we can come up with a ship name.

Oh, the life of a fangirl. I smiled to myself. I knocked on her door.


"She's sleeping!" She called back.

"I have a new ship, and I need your help with a ship name!" I sayed. Immediatly, the dor swung open.

"Who is it!?" She said. It's easy to bribe fellow fangirls or fanboys. I explained eveything.

After about five minutes, we settled for a ship name.


This chapter is also dedicated to goldenthorn123, for helping me with the ship name.

I'll update again sometime tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyeed!


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