9. A New Camper

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Percy's POV

"So we're only telling Chiron your an ex-enemy because-well the other campers don't trust people to easily so...." I said to the girl. "Got it." She said. I smiled. I had got her to hide in the woods for a night because if a new camper showed up right after a battle it would've been suspicious. I lead her to Chiron. "Chiron." I said. He turned to me.

"Uh Percy. What can I do for you my boy." He said. "This is Bella Heart..." I explained everything to him. "Do you know who your godly parent is?" He asked Bella. "Hecate." She replied. He smiled. "Well Percy could you lead her to her cabin please." He said.

"Of course." I walked her to the Hecate cabin. I knocked on the door and the head counselor Richard opened it.

"What up Percy?" He asked.

"I have a new camper for you." I said dryly. He grinned. "Who?" I stepped aside to reveal Bella. She smiled.

"Hi I'm Bella, Bella Heart." She said. He welcomed her in and I figured it fine for me to go now. So I did.

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