22. The Plan

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Bella's POV

Heather began to explain her plan.

"Well we could try using a spell too combine all our body's, similar to what End did. We would trick the camp, and next week, when the final battle comes, we'll undo the spell once we're face to face with end." She said.

"OK two questions, one: what do you mean similar to what End did, and two: how do you know the final attack will come next week?" I asked.

"Well yesterday before we got back our memories just now, me and Sky over heard End talking about his next attack and when it'd happen. And what I mean by similar to what End did, I mean that only one person will be in control and we can't change our appearance." Heather explained.

"Wait so, which of us will we look like? And who's gonna be in control?" Sky asked. Heather looked at me.

"The answer to both of your questions, is Bella." She answered, surprising me. "Me? Why Me?" I asked.

"Because me and Sky can't just pop up at camp, and if we're gonna look like you we would have to act like you, so it's just easier this way." Heather explained. Sky and I nodded.

"It just might work." Sky said as we stopped nodding. I smiled agreeing.

"Let's do it." I said.

----------Time Laps----------

We had just finished the spell and it had worked. The only thing was, my eyes were a little different now. They weren't fully turquoise anymore, they were a little turquoise, a little blue, and a little green. It was like a combanation of my eyes, Sky;s eyes, and Heather's eyes. (AN The cover is what Bella's eyes look like now. It's not the best picture for this but it's the only kinda-sorta-ok one I could find.)

Great timing for us to finish the spell too, cause the camps horn blew signalling that it was time for lunch.

This better work...

I'll update again tomorrow.

Hope ya enjoyed! Bye!

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