21. The Truth

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Bella's POV

"Man, how will we explain this too the camp? This just got really complicated..." I said. Heather looked like she just had an idea, which she probably had.

"What if we don't." She said. "What do ya mean?" Sky and I asked at the same time. Heather smiled. "I've got a plan." She said. But before I get to that perhaps I should explain what we just discovered.

OK so maybe I lied about these blackouts being new. Honestly, I've had them ever sense I woke up. And when all my memories crashed down on me I was also shown Sky's memories along with Heather's.

When Sky was just a baby (or 18 anyway, but she was considered a baby in Chaos years) she was kidnapped by her uncle End, who merged her body with Heather Rose's. End then used a spell so they wouldn't remember who they truly were and replaced their memories with lies. Then End suppressed their powers so they could be mistaken for demigods.

End even changed the gods memories, so they would remember Heather as a demigod child. Yeah Heather wasn't a demigod. She was still Hecate's child though. Heather was a minor goddess, a minor goddess of magic and archery. She was the child of Hecate and Apollo. On Heather's 17th birthday, she ran away from Olympus. She did love her parents but she hated living in the dictatorship, and that's what Zeus was running on Olympus. Immediately after running away Heather had been discovered by End, and I think you know what came next.

So yeah End never killed Sky. He kidnapped her and Heather and tricked them (and me) into working for him.

This, is where I come in. A few days ago, I woke up. I didn't remember everything that happened, but I remembered my past. Or so I thought. But that past was made up of false memories, placed in my head by End. I was in a room full of monsters. I thought I was a member of the enemy. Then I had been asked to lead that attack on the Camp. And you know what happens next. I agreed to becoming a part of the Camp because, the biggest (and yes, admittedly the only) flaw in End's plan, was me. When he gave me those false memories, he never made one that included a reason for me to want to be on the bad side.

And that's what happened. Now you're probably thinking, 'OK but we still don't know, what's your past?' Well this is it. I'm Sky's older sister. And after the thousands of years I've been alive, I finally found my long lost sister again. I was so devastated when she'd gone missing, I loved her so dearly. And I still do.

So I'm never letting her go again. My little sister will never escape my sight for the rest of both our immortal lives. Never.

Yes! I didn't forget! I'll try to update again today, but if I can't I'll give you another chapter tomorrow.

I really hope you enjoyed cause honestly I've been planning this sense, like, the middle of the last book. So you better have enjoyed!


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