27. The Beginning of the End

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Hehehe, see what I did with the title there...

I tricked you! You thought I wouldn't update until new years! Mwhahaha!

Sky's POV

I thought of the plan I had written down in front of me. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell the others everything about this plan. It would kind of be impossible to do that without them locking me up... Speaking of which, I should probably put the first part of the plan in action. I stood up and created a portal to Ends hideout.

End's POV

How is this possible! I killed them all! Yet, Sky Heather and Bella are still alive! UGHHHHH!!! They just won't stay dead!

I was interrupted from hating those three, when one of them walked in. It was Sky. Anger bubbled in me. First she ruins my entire plan of revenge, then she has the nerve to show her face in MY hideout!

"What do you want! And how did you even find me!" I snapped. "I'm the daughter of Chaos, finding you was easy. As for why I'm here, I have a proposal for you." She said.

"If it involves my surrendering, you might as well leave now." I said bitterly to her.

"No, in fact it involves something very, very different. It involves you capturing a few of the good guys." She said, much to my surprise.

"What?!" I said, my jaw almost touching the floor, opened in shock. My eyes went pretty wide too. Sky smiled evilly. Am I sure she isn't still under that spell I put on her!? 

"I was the one to create the plan we are to use when we plan to storm your layer. If you allow me to join your side, I can help you capture every person on the team that plans to penetrate your layer." She said. I thought for a moment.

"Sounds like a great deal for me, but what's in it for you?" I asked curious. Her face darkened. Ohhh, she wishes to hurt someone. "Even after that spell you put on me was removed, I still felt anger. I felt anger, and sadness, and... and evil..." She said. I stared at her.

"That's impossible, if an evil spell is removed from a person with a pure heart, they come out of it stronger, they do not come out of it only to feel all those emotions naturally." I said, but as I said it, something in my mind clicked. "But... you don't have a pure heart..." I realized. Sky sighed.

"I let the darkness inside of me long ago, I've just learned how to hide it. I let it in when I was but a child. I grew up in an orphanage, with the same questions that were eating away at all the other orphans eating away at me. Why, oh why, would anyone give me up? What did I do wrong? Why am I unwanted, by everyone? I was terrible at doing things well, but I was excellent at screwing things up." She said.

"But... that was so long ago..." I said. She walked up to me, until I could almost feel her breath on my face.

"It doesn't matter how long ago it was."  She paused for a moment.

"Because once you let the darkness inside," Sky leaned in so her mouth was right next to my ear.

"It never comes out..." She whispered. (AN The first one who can guess that quote gets a dedication!)

She took a few steps back. "So, is it a deal?" Sky asked. I thought for a moment.


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