19. Two Girls

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Bella's POV

It's been about two weeks sense I sang More Than A Camp and people weren't as sad anymore. But they kept coming up too me and telling me I was a lot like Heather, or Sky I guess sense their the same person. (No one ever told me how that works so I don't really get how that's possible, but whatever.) But the thing is sense I reminded them so much of Heather/Sky they seemed to look to me whenever they missed her. Justin seems to do that more often then everyone else though... I wonder why.

Anyway it's been stressful. Not just because of the Heather/Sky situation but also cause... Well, I keep blacking out for no reason. And somehow whenever I regain my consciousness again I'm in a different place then where I blacked out. I went to the infirmary and got a check up, but I'm perfectly healthy. But it definitely isn't a coincidence, I mean, those coincidences never happen to demigods. It's really starting to get to me... Anyway I was laying on my bed in the Hecate cabin just staring at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts.

Out of nowhere my eyes grew very heavy and I felt like I'd just been punched really hard in the gut. Oh no, not again... I thought, I can't and will NOT black out here! For the first time sense I started blacking out I fought back with the darkness. I refused to let my eyes shut closed. I vapor traveled to Zeus's Fist but kept fighting even after I arrived. I want to know what's causing this!

Instantly after the pain in my gut left me, I felt like something had been broken. Like something had gone wrong in a very difficult surgery someone was having, and the result of that one mistake could never be fixed, yet it also felt like the mistake was for the better.

Suddenly my vision blurred and I fell off the bed squeezing my pillow in pain. I felt like my soul was being ripped apart, it made me feel... exposed. Like I was naked in front of my best friend. I seriously hated the feeling. What the Zeus is going on!? I screamed in my head.

Then in a second the pain got a hundred times worse, and then I saw a blur pop in front of me, literally. My vision was still off and blurry, but I'm sure whatever is in front of me wasn't there a moment ago. Wait - there's two blurs, another one just popped up. My vision finally cleared and I was able to see what was in front of me. Two girls stood in front of me and by the looks on their faces I could tell their vision had just cleared from being blurry too. But the second we got a good look at each other all of our visions blurred again as a wave of memories crashed down on us. But not just our own memories, each others memories. I doubled over at the amount of information I'd just received. It was a lot to take in.

Once I was OK again me and the other two girls all shared a look that clearly said, Oh my gods!!!

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