2. A Break Up

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OK so wattpads still gliching out on me. I'm just saying so you know if the text starts going back in forth from normal to bold to italics when it shouldn't be switching, that's why. Anyway enjoy!

Justin's POV

I was in my cabin laying on my bed. Percy was out with Annabeth so I was alone. Reyna walked in. Oh no. I thought. I haven't broken up with her yet. I know that even though I love her, Sky I mean... She's still gone.

But either way I just, uh. I didn't want to lead Reyna on. If I don't love her after a year and a half of dating it's not going anywhere now, is it.

She sat down next to me. "We need to talk." She said. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. "Yeah your right we do." I said. "Me first. Please," Reyna said. I sighed at this. "Sure." I said.

"You still love her don't you?" She asked surprising me. We both knew what she meant. "Yes, I do." I said. Then I started rambling.

"I'm so sorry. I've tried so hard to stop it. Every day sense she died, the first time, I have denied it. I told myself it wasn't real, that I was OK, that it was wrong. But I just can't stop my feelings. I'm sorry. And I wish it wasn't true." I said. "But it is." She said. Now it was her turn to ramble.

She gave me a sad smile. "It's okay, it's not your fault." She promised. "And, to be honest with you I kind of saw this coming. Ever sense she came back I've seen the signs. Your eyes are constantly drifting, your missing lessons, not practicing, always sad whenever you saw her and Draco together." She said.

"So I geuss this is over." I said. "I geuss so. But we can still be friends right?" She asked me. "Heck yeah!" I said giving her a 'Well duh!' face. She laughed.

"Besides we still had fun hanging w before we were dating so we'll just go back to that." I said. "Yeah. We''ll just go back to that." She agreed smiling. I smiled back. I was glade that we were still on good terms even though we just broke up.

And that's the end of this part people. I hope you liked it.


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