5. Reinforcements

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*3rd Person*

It'd been three days sense Sky died and the army now had reinforcements coming. 3 of the reinforcements have already come but they were just the army's instructors. They said their names were Mad Eye, Dumbledore, and Snape.

-----------Time Laps----------

Every one was gathered in the throne room to greet the army's reinforcements. The three cloaked and hooded figures that had just come out of a portal from plan it Chaos introduced themselves. The giant went first, "I'm Drakon." He said. Then the one next to him, who was about twenty feet (and really muscular) stepped forward. "Call me Moon. And this is Fang." He said referring to the - wait, was that a kitten? - beside him.

I'm not descriping them so just picture them like they were in the movie and if you've never seen the divergent movie, go see it.

Anyway that's it for this chapter. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Hope you enjoyed BYE!

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