10. A Deal

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Bella's POV

I woke up at about 6:30. Sense no one else was awake at this hour I decided to go train.

I was hacking at dummies when I heard a voice.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to see a boy who resembled Percy. Then I relized where I knew him from. Oh no... Don't you dare panic Bella! I screamed at myself in my head.

"What do you mean?" I said putting on a (fake) curious face.

"You tried to kill me is what I mean!" He said. "Hey! As I remember I could have killed you but I chose not to!" I retorted, then I gasped and covered my hands with my mouth. He smirked.

"I knew it!" He screamed. "Don't tell anyone! Please!" I begged. He looked rather shocked. But finally he said. "One condition. You explain why your here."

I sighed at that. "Fine. But swear on the river Styx to never speak a word of this information to anyone. Not even your closest friends or family." I said. He considers this. After a while he finally decided.

"Deal. I swear on the river Styx." He said. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

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