6. Never Again

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Unknown POV

I was in the forest and the sun was setting. I was all alone, but then again what else is new. I was always alone. Alone physically, mentally, and emotionally. I suppose I have myself to blame for that. But I had to. I couldn't tell them could I have? I was two different people literally. Two souls trapped in one body. How long have I been this way? Almost my whole life. It happened when I was a few months old. I'd always suspected it, then I'd gotten proof. And ever sense I've made sure to never let myself get to close to people, but at the same time I made it impossible for them to notice my pushing them away. I was acting. Although I'd never lied to them. I really did care about them. But still, I would never truly trust anyone. I couldn't afford to,They'd call me crazy, insane, mental, a psycho. I wish I could have a normal life, but I know that's impossible. I never asked for this. I hate the role the fates have given me and I wish I was someone else. And because of the life I've been forced to, live I'm dead inside. I'm broken. I want to be normal. I want to be left alone. But now at least I know who did this to me. I'm gonna find him. I'll make sure he knows the pain I've had because of him. I'll find a way to simulate my pain within him. He's not going to hurt anyone like he hurt me. Never again. Hmm.

A plan suddenly formed in my head. It was crazy insane. Maybe one of the stupidest, most suicidal plans ever since... well, ever sense the last plan I came up with. But as usual, the stupid and suicidal idea, was my best shot.

Bye! >:D


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