chapter 4

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I heard a loud buzzing which caused me to wake up. I look for my phone and saw someone is calling.

"Hello who is this?" I ask through the phone.

"Sweetheart, where are you? You're not home?" The woman in the phone said.

"Oh, mom. Im sorry, I sleepover here with friend yeah my friend. She's our nieghbor, so I'm not far." I said

"Okay sweetheart, but you need to go home now, you have school tomorrow." Mom said.

"Yeah, I'll be home in any minute." I said and hang up.

"Who's that?" My teacher ask, I know cause she's the only person I'm with.
I turn to her.

"It's my mom." I said and take the covers off of me and get off to bed.

"Where are you going?" She said.

"I need to go home, mom wants me to go home now." I answer.

"But I still wanna cuddle." She whined.

"Im sorry, Lauren but I need to." I said and wear my shirt that has been tosed on the floor.

"Fine." She sigh.

I walk to the door and went downstairs and got out of her house. Then I remember what we just did, I mean what she just did to me.

I crossed to the street and walk to the door of our house. I unlocked it and got in. I saw my mom waiting for me at the couch.

"Y/n, you're home." She said and then hug me and kiss me in my cheek.

"Yeah mom, but I really need to sleep I'm kinda tired. You too, you should sleep, I know your tired. Where's dad?" I said

"He's asleep." Mom said. I nod and kiss her on the cheek.

"Goodnight mom." I said and walk upstairs.

I lay on my bed and go back to sleep.

No one's POV

                         *Next day*

Y/n arrived at school late, she woke up late because she couldn't sleep properly because she was thinking about what happened with her teacher.

"Miss y/l/n, you're late." Lauren said as y/n enter the room.

"I'm sorry Ms. Jauregui, I didn't sleep properly last night, and I woke up late." Y/n said.

"Take your sit now and I will continue the lesson." Lauren said normally.

Y/n sat at her chair and listen to what her teacher is saying. After about an hour, the bell finally ring. Y/n sigh in relief  and swung her bag at her back like she's dying for the class to over, and walk to the door. She didn't even look at her teacher. She walk to the hallway and went to her next class. She saw Dinah and sat beside her. She didn't even say a word to her. Then finally Dinah speak.

"You're late today, why?" Dinah asked her.

"Nothing, I just woke up late." Y/n said boredly like she didn't want to talk.

"That's all? What's wrong with you today? It's like third day of school. Did you lost your appetite at this school already?" Dinah said.

"No, it's not like that, I don't wanna talk about it." Y/n said.

"Okay, I wont push you to say it girl. But so you know I'm just right here whenever you need me, okay?" Dinah said comfortedlly.

"I know D, thaks." Y/n said.

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