Chapter 34

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Katherine's POV-


He falls to the floor after we hear the gunshot. His blood is painting the floormat, his eyes are open but no spirit is seen. His life is no more. I'm just standing there, watching everyone else crowd around his body. Jack kills the guard with a knife, Stella is trying to heal him, but bringing people back to life is one thing no one, not even with superpowers or special abilities, can do. It all seems like slow motion. I hear no sound, other than my own heartbeat and my heavy breathing. It's Sarah's touch that shatters my trance. Her hand is on my shoulder and her eyes are the first thing I meet. 

-You have to go, honey.

Her voice is so calm and soothing, I almost forget where I am or why I am here. Then I realize that Matthew closed Gregory's eyes. Akilah's eyes are red, as well as Stella's, the boys also have tears in their eyes. For a moment in my life I thought of Gregory as a horrible person. In the end he proved himself to be the opposite. I will continue to fight, for his lost life. Jack comes closer to me and takes my hand. His eyes show more compassion than I've ever seen in them. I realize that, even though it is not easily seen, he has a heart of gold. And he's mine. I finally wrap my head around the idea that he is mine and things will change. This is where it happens. A wall I built inside my mind against Jack falls and crumbles into tiny little pieces. Our connection is back, and stronger than it was before. "Tell me something, please."

-Alright, I'll tell you something.

His face expresses pure shock, and it makes me chuckle. It's very strained, and I notice that I've been holding in multiple tears. I won't let them fall, not now. 

-Did you read my mind?

I nod my head and he pulls me in for a hug. Too bad Akilah exists.

-Guys, Judith is still alive and probably doing exactly what she wants.

I break away from the hug, but his hand is still holding my arm. I'm grateful. I need the comfort. 

-Alright. We have work to do.

-We'll take care of Gregory, and then go home.

Mr. Danford stands next to Gregory's lifeless body, and I have nothing left to say.

-We appreciate that, Mr. Danford. I hope you have a safe trip home.

Jack brings out the thoughts we were all thinking, and Mr. Danford nods his head in respect. I give little Harry on last hug, but how I hope it won't be the last. I take one last look at Gregory before I turn around and walk through the front doors. 

Stella's POV-

Jack and Kath walk out the door hand in hand. I thought I had won, that he would be mine at the end of this entire adventure, but that was clearly not fate's intention. Now Gregory is dead, because of our recklessness. I don't know if I will be able to live with that thought. Now we're running through the streets to the presidents palace. Raquelle and Adam are close on our heels, giving us the directions to find the place. The people on the street clearly don't know what is going on. They are just living their normal daily lives. If only I could forget all of this and start my life over. When we finally make it there, guards are surrounding the entire building. But looking past that, it's the most beautiful structure I've ever seen. The white palace, with columns around the entire building, is surrounded by gardens of plenty. The summer weather has done wonderful things to the nature around here. When all this is over, I'm going to need a tour. Judith's men are all around the gates, taking away the freedom. How will we get in there?

-Alright guys. What's the plan?

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Branton. 

-I have an idea.

Akilah's face lights up, with her eyes still red from Gregory's death. She devises an entire battle plan where even Raquelle and Adam are involved. It isn't long and we all agree. First, most of us didn't like each other, and now here we are planning to catch one common enemy. Kath uses her psionic blasts to knock the guards out at the front gate, and Branton opens them. I turn myself invisible and fly into the sky, watching how everything is unfolding itself from above. Operation W.A.R. has truly begun. 

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