Chapter 10

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-General POV-

The morning arrives and Stella, as usual, is the first one awake. She finds her way to the kitchen, taking a thermos of coffee and heading back into her room. The sunshine from the window shine through her green drapes, making the room look green. She puts the thermos on the desk next to the window and looks out. Outside, the trees and grass are all green around the facility, making it look more like a beautiful park. 

Jack barely woke up, and he just lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Sunday's were usually days where the kids would do nothing. Still, he would sometimes go into the training room and punch the punching bag just for the sake of it. Right now, he wants to do the same thing to get someone off of his mind. He gets up from his bed, wearing only boxers, and puts on his shorts, socks and shoes and heads out of the door.

Branton wakes up in his bed after one night he had wanted for so long. Akilah returned to her room last night before things could go too far, but even the thought that he got to make out with her and she didn't push him away makes him smile. He had been in love with her for so long, and finally she was feeling the same towards him, at least he thinks so. He gets up and opens the window, to let the sunshine into his red room, his mind still thinking of her.

Akilah sits up in her bed and thinks about what happened last night. She had never felt something so strong before, even though she is only fifteen still. He mind doesn't leave him after the passionate encounter they had last night. Something inside of her wants to experience that again, but she stops herself from thinking that far. She wouldn't dare, and neither would he.

-Jack's POV-

I walk into the kitchen, getting myself a coffee, and head towards the training room. I open the double doors to the large room and walk towards the punching bag. I have to get her out of my head. I don't want to think of her, yet I do for some reason. I wrap my hands and start to punch the bag full force. It feels good letting everything out. They still haven't put our bracelets back on, and I'm starting to think that they may have completely forgotten. I like this sudden freedom from the bracelets. It always felt like they were draining my energy. Now I am fully aware of myself and I like that. I keep punching, kicking the bag, sweat dropping down my forehead, my shirtless torso shinning from the sweat. All of a sudden, the doors open and I look to see who it is. For some reason I was hoping it would be Katherine, but it ends up being Stella. She walks in, smiling as she sees me. I return the gesture, trying not to make it obvious that she wasn't the person I wanted to see.

-Good morning, Stella.

-Hey. Whatcha doing?

Her expression suddenly changes from happiness to something I can't quite put my finger on.

-Trying not to think.

Well, I'm being honest.

-And you?

-Just waiting for the others to wake up. I saw the way you looked at Katherine last night.

What? She saw me, of course she did. 

-That's why you left the room, right? To get away from her?

I return to punching the bag. The one thing that I wanted to forget returns. 


I answer simply. I'm really hoping she'll leave me alone now.

-Too bad she doesn't feel the same way.

She doesn't? I feel my heart start to tear apart. This is no new news for me, but its still painful to hear that I don't have a chance with her.

-No kidding.

I manage to say it with a small smile on my face to try and lighten the mood. She comes closer and touches my shoulder. I'm grateful for the comfort, but I have a feeling that's not what she's doing. Her hand reaches my hair, her other hand taking my arm. Now I get it.



She answers with a smirk on her face as she moves in between me and the punching bag. Her hands find their way to my face, but I take them and put them down.

-I'm sorry, but no.

-What? But you don't have a chance with her. Why not give me a chance?

She looks hurt, which is the last thing I wanted to do, but I don't have feelings for her other than friendship.

-It's unfair, to you and me.

Her brown eyes are glued to my lips, and I realize that she wasn't listening. This won't end well, I know it. I don't want to hurt her. She's like family to me, but this is too far. I had been speculating that she had different feelings towards me, but I didn't think she would do this. Next thing I know, her lips crash on mine, catching me completely off guard.

-Stella's POV-

His lips are so soft, his hair is sweaty but I don't care. I know he doesn't have feelings for me, but I couldn't help myself. I try to kiss him, but he's not kissing me back. I should have known. I take my lips off of his. His expression is not the one that I would have wanted to see. He is shocked and surprised, but not in a good way. My hands don't leave his hair and face while I try to process what I just did. What have I done? I just ruined a perfectly good friendship and I will never forgive myself for this. The double doors open suddenly and Kath comes running in. Oh shit. This won't end well. She's just standing there starring at us as I put my hands down. I see it in her face how confused she is. I'm confused. I look back at Jack, whose eyes are glued to Kath. I will never have him, his heart belongs to her. I come back to my senses and run out the door. 

-Katherine's POV-

This can't be happening. Stella and Jack? She promised me that she wouldn't make a move on him for my sake, but she lied. Did he like it? Does he like her? Did I just lose my chance? His eyes are glued to mine as my mind is racing. 

-What are you doing, Kath?

What? He really doesn't care about me, does he? I should have known.

-I wanted to ask you something, about the bracelets. Your the only one I could normally talk to.

-Could? What's that suppose to mean?

Why is he looking at me like he's hurt? I don't even want to hear what the hell he's thinking. I close my mind off of his. Suddenly, Gregory comes running in.  

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