Chapter 27

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Jack's POV-

-We have to keep moving. In the Lab we'll find the truth. We just need to get there.

I'm trying to stay strong, for Akilah's sake. I know how much it hurt her to have killed those men, but I can't dwell on that right now. Stella and Branton are staying close to Akilah while we walk throughout the city, following signs and trying to find our way to the Laboratory. But there is still one thought that I can't get out of my head: Katherine. Is she alright? Where is she? She's not hurt, is she? I can't stop worrying about her. I know she hates me right now, but there's still hope that I can get her back. Before all of this happened I was going to ask her out. I realized we were both finally ready for a relationship and I wanted it to start romantic, but of course everything had to change. First Stella had to mess things up, then we run away in search for truth. Maybe when I find the truth I will also find Kath and mend things with her. It won't be easy, considering that she cut me off. But I have to try. We keep moving forward, through the streets of the busy city. There are so many people you barely realize where you are going, unless you pay attention. After a long walk we make it to a big white building, at least 70 stories high. On the front, a sign in written in big black letters: ASCANA'S SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY: The Center of Science. Very catchy. From the inside of the glass doors I see two guards standing there armed, as though they are waiting for them. Is it possible they know that we're here? It's not impossible, that I know. I look behind me and I see Akilah finally stopped crying, but her ocean blue eyes are still all read and puffy. She's trying to stay strong, I know, and I'm proud of her for trying. She is like my little sister after all. Branton stares at me, like I'm the leader waiting to give him instructions, and Stella looks around worried. 

-There are guards inside. What do we do?

I ask Branton, and I'm sure he could figure something out. I don't want to be a leader, not now at least. He's  little disappointed, I can see it, but that's how it is. 

-What we need is Kath. She could mind control them into letting us in.

Even the mention of Kath's name makes my stomach turn, and I don't know if in a good way or a bad way. 

-I know, but she's not here right now so we need another plan.

-What if they already have her captured?

Akilah, always the realistic pessimist, which makes me sick right now. The thought at what they could do to Kath is excruciating. 

-We can't afford to think like that now, Einstein. 

-What if we just burst in, all together? We could fight our way through.

Stella says, without looking at me. She's staring at Akilah, like what she just said could have been something wrong.

-That's one idea.

I reply, but I'm waiting for Akilah to tell me something pessimistic again, but she doesn't. She stays quiet. She doesn't have anything to say. All she does is look at her feet.

-That could work. Not the best plan in the world, but we can try it. If we die, we die, right?

Kath's POV-

Adam and I walk through the halls of the Lab, trying to find anything that would help me find my destination. But what exactly am I looking for? Where would all their secret files and information be lying? I don't know. Maybe I'll know when I see it. That's what I can hope for right now. Then I remember: I have a little stranger kid with me. This could get him hurt. I can't risk that. I turn around to face him, his hand in mine and squat to be at eye level with him.

-Look, I really appreciate you coming with me and all of this, but I can't let you come with me any further. You have to go home.

-But I don't want to go home. I haven't had this much fun since I was, I don't know, five.

-I don't care about that. You have to understand you could get seriously hurt if you keep coming along. I'm not giving you any other option. You have to go home.

He pouts his lips, trying to give me the puppy eyes. Very cute, yes, but not effective. I can't risk his life. He's too important, and he's already become a friend in this short period of time. He's only 12.

-You already know too much. You're not suppose to know that I have abilities, or why I have them, or even why I'm here. 

This is where it dawns on me. I could mind control him into going home, or even forgetting that I exist and that super human abilities are real. He'd be himself again, the little kid I ran into on the street. 

-You know, I could mind control you.

-No! Please, no. I don't want to forget. If I go home willingly, can I keep my memories?

He's begging. He's really hurt that I even brought it up, I can see it in his eyes. I don't need to read his mind to know that, but I do it anyway.

"Please, don't do it. Anything but that. But I don't want to go home to mom. She doesn't even care if I live or die."

-That's not true.

I blurt out without another thought. His eyes grow wide.

-You read my mind?

-Of course I did. I needed to know what you were thinking. I understand that you don't like your mother very much, or that she's a busy woman, but you have to go home nonetheless. I won't mind control you if you go, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone, ever, of what happened today, or about me, of my personal life, or my abilities, or how we got in here without a scratch. Do you understand?

I grasp his hands tightly and force him to look into my eyes. 

"I would never tell anyone. But I don't want to be taken of my memories."

-Alright. I'll go. I'll miss you, Kath. You made my life a little more exciting. 

A small smile creeps on my face, and a smirk grows on his. 

-Thanks for everything, Adam. I really appreciate it. 

-I'll go. I'm the president's kid, what will they do to me?

-Stay safe.

-I will.

His arms suddenly  wrap themselves around my neck and his body weight almost makes me fall over. I've needed this hug all day, and I'm thankful I got it. He lets go and runs away, not looking back. Then I hear footsteps, not Adam's, but someone else's. I turn around and I see a gun pointed straight at me. Damn!

-Stay where you are. Don't move.

Says the guard with a black vest. His eyes linger on me, and I raise my hands into the air. I've been caught. 

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