Chapter 21

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Kath's POV-

Where the heck is that kid? He just disappeared into thin air. I mean, I can find my own way to the building, but I feel like that kid needs some help. Being the president's kid must be hard, especially if she is trying to build a damn army, which includes me. With that in mind, maybe I shouldn't look for this kid. He's gone anyway. But that's still wrong. Where could he have gone? He was trying to run away from his mother, so he must be in the opposite direction of the palace. But, where is the palace? My goodness, I am truly clueless. All the people on the street are just rushing by, they don't even listen when I ask for directions. Fine. But I'm thirsty right now so I walk into a store, walk up to the counter, and ask the person for a bottle of water when I notice a hooded figure walk in. It's the kid. He doesn't notice me at first, which is strange. I don't look at him since I don't want him to run away from me like before. I get my water and pay for it, and walk out of the store. Pretending like I'm walking away, I drink some and wait for the little kid to walk out. Some people look at me strangely and that's when I notice I'm actually covered in dirt. Damn. Stupid tunnel. I am in dire need of a shower. Ah, there he is. He walks out of the store, holding a popsicle, and walks in the opposite direction to where I was standing. That's when I end up being a total idiot. I follow the kid, like a spy undercover. There is definitely something wrong with me. But considering that he would probably run away when he recognized me, what could go wrong? Walking around the street, trying to avoid his gaze I follow behind him. He walks left, then right, then right, then left again. Just a little confusing. Almost like he can't see where he's going. At one point he almost ran into a woman that he should have clearly seen. "Oops. I didn't see her." How could he not have seen her? Weird. I keep following the kid when he walks into a small alley, alone (not considering me). 

-Woah, kid. Where do you think you're going?

I speak up, and Adam, scared and furious turns around to see me. 

-Have you been following me?

-Something like that. What is the president's kid doing alone wandering the city?

I'm actually worried. What if he's abused by his mother? 

-Look. I don't have to answer to you.

Cocky much.

-I get that, but I'm worried. Is your mother treating you right? You seem to dislike her.

"I hate my mom. She's always busy and never wants anything of me. It's like I don't exist."

-You can't ask me about my mother. That's my business.

-Yeah, but you feel like she doesn't care about you, like you don't exist for her.

This shocked him. He's staring at me, more scared than before. That's when I realized I showed my secret.

-How-how did you know that?

Quick. Can I cover this with a lie? Probably not.

-I can read minds.

-That's impossible.

-Not if your mom is behind it.

I said it. I really said it. If Akilah were here I would feel her eyes roll. Heck, I feel it now. He seems to believe me, which I honestly didn't expect. "That actually makes sense".

-So, you are the reason my mom is always busy?

Oh no.

-No, no, of course not. She hired someone else to do her dirty work.

Should not have said that, I think. But it is true. She hired Gregory and Judith for that, right? I mean, that's as far as I know. 


-Gregory Wilson and Judith, umm, Accola. 

-Predictable. My mother always gets call from those two. I should have know.

He's in complete thought, almost like I vanished for a few seconds until he fixes his gaze on me once more. 

-What exactly did they do to you?

"I need to understand" Reading minds is really helpful sometimes. I guess I can thank them for that, but the bracelets and locks were a bit too much in my opinion. The training too. So much training.

-They gave me and my friends special abilities, making our DNA more powerful, I guess.

-Woah. That's really cool. 

"And my mom never told me this. I can't believe her." I feel really sorry for this kid.

-Can you explain a little more?

Stella's POV-

We're on a train to Ascana to find the root of the whole war thing, they haven't found us yet, and Kath is not here. Finally. The only thing she's ever been doing is bother me and ruin my plans. Lucky me that we always had that bracelet at the facility so that she couldn't read my thoughts. Really helpful then, and awesome now that she isn't here. She always had Jack's attention, but now is my turn to be the pretty, the talented, the special one. She can't get in my way. 

-I wonder what Ascana looks like. I'm sure its big and a big crowd on the streets.

I decide to engage in small talk with Jack, as he is sitting beside me. I try to give him a nice comforting smile, but all he does is stare out of the window and nod his head. Disappointing. Fine, be that way.

-Look, you don't have to hide your feelings for me. We kissed and it was amazing.

Now he looks at me, concern on his face, probably really surprised I said that. How I wish I had Kath's powers. 

-What did you say?

He's getting furious, maybe annoyed. Damn that's hot.

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