Chapter 7

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-Taxes keep raising. Things are going crazy, and the government is enjoying it.

-Really? That's awful. Why would they do that?

Stella was feeling the most empathy of them all. 

-Can't really say. They are all idiots, the lot of them. But enough of that talk. Tell me about yourselves. You've all grown so much since I last saw you. 

-That can wait a little bit. It's a lot of information.

Akilah added to the conversation. 

-Besides, I think she should know what the Serum did to us.

She looked around the room at the rest of them, who were beginning to feel a little worried. Sarah probably knew what they were doing to them that time ago, but what happened to them after was still a mystery to her. 

-I think you're right. Besides, she is actually really curious. 

Katherine said, looking straight into Sarah's eyes. She accidentally used her telepathy for that knowledge, but it was still not that far of a stretch. 

-Alright then. 

Jack took responsibility, automatically. 

-The Generator Serum, that they injected us with when we were children, gave us special abilities.

-What kind of abilities?

Sarah's curiosity was beginning to show some more.

-Well, sometimes we like to call them superpowers. 


For some reason, Sarah didn't really seem shocked, but she was trying to be. Katherine was the first to realize this, obviously.

-No point in acting. I know what you're thinking. Literally.

Sarah sighed.

-OK. I knew that the Serum would give you powers. But, then again, I did think you were dead, so why don't you explain a little bit further?

-Is she serious?

Stella looked at Katherine, asking for the proof they wanted. All she did was nod, indicating the truth. 

-OK. Well, apparently our abilities develop according to our personality, so each of us have different abilities. Oddly enough none of us have the same one. 

They explained their different abilities to her, even showing her a few of them, the safer ones. After a while just talking and catching up, they realized how fast the time had flown and began to head back. It was already much darker than before, but the sunlight was still barely visible. This time, the streets were completely empty. Not a single living being was in sight. It was very suspicious. Everything was quiet, no sound could be heard. The kids wouldn't let this stop them. They couldn't be back late or they would get in trouble with Gregory. 

-Guys, I have a horrible feeling about this.

Branton never failed to tell the others what was on his mind. Even now, he wouldn't hold his fear back from them. They knew things were getting a little creepy, but they didn't stop walking. 

-Stella, tell us whenever you feel anything.

-Got it.

Thank goodness she could always sense it when danger was around, and it was always accurate. Akilah was looking around the entire place, using her X-Ray abilities to find anything suspicious. Jack, having super hearing abilities, listened carefully for any strange sound. Katherine and Branton completely depended on the others right now, waiting for them to say anything. They kept walking. Branton began to play with his chocolate brown hair, his ebony black eyes filled with insecurity. Akilah's ocean blue eyes were scanning all the streets, but it seemed that she hadn't found anything. Stella's brown eyes suddenly shot open.

-Guys, stop.

They all stopped walking and looked at her.

-Something is definitely wrong.

-I didn't see anything strange or suspicious around here though.

-And I didn't hear anything.

-What the heck is happening?

Katherine looked around, but there was nothing in sight to be found. 

-Guys, just be ready, in case something does happen.

Jack had barely finished the sentence when a group of armed people came sliding down ropes from the tall buildings, explaining why Akilah never saw them. They had large guns, hand guns, and (for some stupid reason) swords. They were covered in black clothing and masks, hiding their faces. They surrounded the teenagers, and there seemed to be no way of escape. 

-Well, we're screwed.

Branton whispered loud enough for the four of them to hear. 

-Drop your weapons! Hands up!

One of the gang screamed, apparently a man, according to his voice. They did as they were told and lifted their hands.

-I said, no weapons!

-We don't have any.

Jack replied. They were beginning to close in. What did they want from them? This was completely unnecessary. There was no time to think. The guy that seemed to be the leader of the gang pointed his gun at Jack's head. He pulled the trigger, and everything that happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. The bullet from the gun flew through the air, straight at Jack's head. But instead of actually slicing through the skin into his brain, it kinda just bounced off his forehead. Perks of being bullet proof. Luckily for them, the others did't shoot, but stood there in shock. 

-What the..?

That guy didn't move from his spot. It was clear from his eyes that sudden fear filled him. Too bad things didn't turn out so well after that. 

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