Chapter 36

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Stella's POV-

I found my way into the building, finding myself in the most beautiful bedroom I've ever seen. What seems like a crystal or glass chandelier hangs from the ceiling, a four poster bed is wonderfully adorned with white and lilac pillows and blankets. There's is a beautiful white desk with a lovely golden framed mirror hanging over it. Imagine living in this place. That would be amazing. And the gardens outside are so beautiful I could run through them for hours and never get bored. Before I get completely hypnotized by this place, I hear my name being called from outside the beautiful white door.

-Stella? Are you in there?

It's Kath. She must have been able to get everyone into the building. Awesome. I run to the door and open it. She looks super tired, and I don't blame her.

-Are you ok? 

-Yeah. Just teleporting with people is super hard. I don't recommend it. 

-Duly noted. Where are the others?

-Doing their part of the plan. Let's find the others. I'm sure that they'll be searching for Judith.

I follow her, running through the halls. She could just teleport to where ever the others are, but I guess she wants to stay with me. We encounter multiple guards along the way to the main hall, but Kath gets them all to do what she wants. Why do I envy her so much? I guess she just has that much control over herself. She always knows what she wants and how she'll get it. She always has everything figured out. She's powerful and beautiful. I don't blame Jack for choosing her over me. She's much better than I am in every way. I always talk too much and act too immature. I would never be good enough. 

-Stella, why are you so quiet?

I snap back into reality. We are both walking through a hallway. She's leading the way and I'm still only following her. She must have noticed my mind was racing.

-Don't worry about it.

-You're jealous of me. Aren't you?

What? Please don't tell me she read my mind.

-I don't know what you're talking about.

-Don't act stupid. I can read your mind so tell me the truth or I'll find out another way. 

At least she didn't reed my thoughts yet. Should I tell her? Get it over with? Apologize for being an idiot? I don't know.

-It's nothing.

That's all that comes through my mouth. Usually I say everything that comes to mind, but not now. We were best friends. Is that no longer something  we can call each other?

-I know you better than anyone else. Just tell me and we can get this over with. Do you want me to read your mind?

Please don't do that. Don't read anything going through my head.

-Alright. Fine. I'll tell you. 

In this silence, Kath turns around to face me. She's concerned. 

-Why are you so much better than me?

That's literally how I say it now. How stupid.

-Better than you? Are you crazy? I'm not better than you in any way.

-But you are perfect. You have everything figured out and you're such a leader and super cool. You even look better than I do. I mean, Jack chose you over me.

There it is. She knows the whole truth now. I'm gonna die. Her face is one I rarely see. It's a combination of shock and surprise. 

-Is this really because Jack chose me over you?

Now she's annoyed, or angry, or weirded out. I don't know for sure.

-Kinda yeah. 

-Well, deal with it. It was his decision, not ours. Now come on. We can work this out later.

She turns around and starts walking faster. She's angry at me. The way she's walking definitely tells me that. Shit. We make it to the east of the building where we start hearing voices. It's Branton and a woman. Judith. Kath opens the last door at the end of the hallway and there they are, Jack too. What is happening.

-And there are the girls. Where is the lovely Akilah?

-She's not with us.

Kath, so confident, taking the lead. Thanks a lot. 

-I see that. I asked where she was.

Damn, Judith. Chill. Perfect moment too. Akilah and Raquelle with Adam come rushing through the door, dumbfounded.

-Ah. There she is.

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