Chapter 1

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- Children, form an orderly line!

Sarah was usually kind, but today she seemed quite anxious. Keeping thirty children still at the Uthington Orphanage has always been difficult, but the young-looking housekeeper was troubled by something. Katherine saw fear in in Sarah's eyes, something she had never seen before. This made her fear what was to come. All of a sudden, the large front doors opened and a group of people, wearing long white coats, entered the main hall. The kids finally stood quiet and a line and only the footsteps of those people could be heard.


Sarah approached them, but they didn't seem to be kind at all.

-Are these all of them?

A tall man examined each child as he stood there.

-Yes, sir.

-How old are they?

-The eldest is twelve and the youngest is nine.

-Perfect. You do understand how much this might cost.

-Yes, I do, sir, but I am willing to risk it.

Sarah was at the verge of tears as she turned to face the children, possibly for the last time.

-Now, children, this man will be taking you to a science facility to vaccinate you all. There is nothing to fear from him or his coworkers.

A tear ran down her cheek as she said those words. Nothing to fear? Katherine didn't think so, and she was only ten. Before anything else could happen, she ran up to Sarah and gave her a loving and comforting embrace.

-Don't worry, Miss Sarah, we will be fine

Soon, every kid in the room  gave Sarah a hug to comfort her, but the tall man didn't like this notion.

-Alright. That's enough hugs for one day. We don't have much time, Miss.

The last child returned to its place in the line as the tall man spoke again, thanked Sarah for the cooperation and then faced the children once again.

-Let's go, children. Follow us.

In orderly fashion, the kids followed the tall man out the front door out into the street. Uthington was quite a big town, but they didn't know a science facility was around. People thought they were only in Aglaria's capital city, Ascana. They were led across the streets and for the first time, the children realized how gloomy and grey the entire town seemed. People sitting on the grounds, begging for help. A couple of trees, no color, no happiness, just all empty. The kids didn't like this, but they had to follow the man. The rest of the group surrounded them and a couple were behind them. Why? To make sure they wouldn't run away? To protect them? They didn't know. Everything seemed to be a huge mystery to everyone. After a long walk, they reached an old warehouse. To Katherine, it was quite creepy, but once they entered, she changed her mind. many people with white coats and googles surrounded long desks. Microscopes of different sizes could be seen on one of them. This fascinated the children. They had never seen something like this before, even though Algaria was quite a technologically and scientifically advanced country. They were led into a room filled with benches and sofas and for once, the children saw beautiful colors on the walls instead of grey. 

-Please wait in here and we will ask for one child at a time. From eldest to youngest.

Jack, the twelve year old boy, was the eldest. He would have to go first, not knowing what was to happen to him. He tried to put on his I'm-not-scared face, but everyone knew otherwise, especially Katherine. They hadn't gotten an explanation as to why and what for they were being vaccinated. Was there a disease spreading across the country that they needed to prepare for? Each of them had millions of question going around in their heads. Katherine watched Jack sit across the sofa from her in fear, in doubt, in uncertainty. He knew he had to set a good example, since he was the eldest and everyone looked up to him, but the pressure was a heavy burden. Katherine felt sympathy, stood up, and sat down next to him. 

-Don't worry, Jack.

-Why not?

His bright sky blue eyes faced her.

-We don't even know them. They didn't give us a single name. Why should we trust them? Sarah burst into tears back at the orphanage.

His eyes began to tear up. He tried very hard to fight his emotions, but they were getting the better of him. He looked away from Katherine, letting the first teardrop fall from his cheek. She wrapped her arms around him, comforting him, but it didn't last long. The door finally opened and the tall man stepped in the room. 

-Alright. I hope you are all feeling well. I am Gregory Wilson, head of the facility. I know you've been asking questions and I assure you that they will all be answered, in time. We shall now begin with the eldest. Please stand and give us your name.

Jack wiped his tears from his face, took a deep breath, and stood up.

-Jack Farlow, s-s-sir.

-Well then, Mr. Farlow. Please follow me.

Jack gave one fearful yet brave look at all of his friends before he followed Mr. Wilson out the door.

-You'll be fine, Jack. I believe in you.

Olivia was the youngest, and the most positive of them all. Jack glaced at her and gave her a smile, then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. The room became silent. They all waited anxiously to see Jack walk through that door, hopefully completely fine. But that never happened. Instead, after a while, Mr. Wilson returned and called our the next child. Jack never came back. He didn't tell them where he was, or if he was OK. Avery was the next person to go, and just like before, she never returned. Soon, Mr. Wilson returned again and left with a child. Charles, Blake, Ivy, Diana, Karter, Penelope, and Lukas had all gone. They never came back. Branton would be next to go. The eleven-year old boy  was anxiously waiting for Mr. Wilson to come and get him. Maybe he would see the others outside those doors completely fine. The door opened once again.

-Alright. Who is next?

Branton, all brave, stood up and gave his name.

-Branton Carter, sir.

-Your age?


-Good. Please follow me, young man.

Turning back at the others, he gave them a nod and followed the man out the door. Then went Elena, Tyler, Alan, and Julia. Katherine would be next, and her hands were shaking in fear of what was to come. Mr. Wilson returned into the room.

-Who's next?

-Katherine Smith, age ten.

She stood, fearing her fate.

-Lovely. The first ten year old of the bunch. Please follow me.

She followed him out the door, leaving her friends for an uncertain fate. What was going to happen to her? Where were the others? Would she see them wherever this man was taking her? Only one way to find out. She followed him through a dim-lit hallway, not knowing what to expect. Would they hurt her? She didn't know. They hadn't heard screams from the others before her. Finally, they came to a room. There was one chair, a table next to it and it had needles and liquid flasks on it. Other white cloaked people were also in the room, but she couldn't see their faces. They wore surgical masks and gloves, unlike Mr. Wilson. There was one light, hanging right above the small chair. The rest of the room was dark.

-Please sit down, Katherine. 

Mr. Wilson seemed king, but there was something about his voice that me her shiver. She sat down, but feared the worst. A woman came out of the shadows and faced her.

-Your name is Katherine?

She nodded slightly.

-Well, I must warn you that it might sting a little, but you are a brave girl, aren't you?

Her voice was different from Mr. Wilson's. It was reassuring, calming Katherine down. 

-What happened to the others? Are they fine?

-I assure you, they are alright.

She didn't believe her. Something about this woman told her that something fishy was going on. The woman wiped her right arm clean, took a flask with the vibrant blue liquid and pierced the needle through her skin into her flesh, and yes, it stung a little. 

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