Chapter 38

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Jack's POV-

She killed her. Kath killed Judith. Those screams will be hard to forget, eyes filled with pain before falling to the floor, empty. I look at Kath, and she's staring at me. There is not a single expression on her face. I don't know what to read in her eyes. And I don't know what to do. Looking around, Raquelle is tending to Matthew, who apparently was hurt before shooting one of Judith's guards. Akilah is hugging Adam, who saw and heard everything. This will ruin his life. It wasn't something for a kid to see. Stella and Branton are standing in a corner, just as confused as I am. I look back at Kath, her eyes are becoming red. She's about to cry. I walk to her, slowly, and touch her shoulder. She begins sobbing, her hands covering her face. I pull her close and wrap my arms around her. That's all I can do, or I will start crying myself. I need to be strong for her, especially right now. She killed Judith, a woman we always saw as a mother-figure in our lives. A woman that was always there for us when we needed her. Who turned out to be a maniac and a horrible person. An enemy. 

-We need to get out of here. There's so much that needs to be done now that we know what the Romanites are planning. 

Raquelle snaps us back into reality, and Kath starts to breathe, looking up at me. Her eyes are all puffy and red, and I wipe a tear away from her cheek. 

-Come on. We gotta go.

She slowly nods and we start heading for the door, after everyone else. I don't let go of her and she leans herself completely on me. I love this, except the situation that we're in. No one speaks a word walking out of the building. Not even Matthew. Or Branton. He seems to be completely out of snarky remarks. And good for that. It's the last thing we need. There are still some romanotian guards outside, but they are being taken care of. Raquelle called her security system and arrived just as Judith took her final breath. Perfect timing apparently. 

Kath's POV-

This was it. I killed her. She's dead and her schemes are over. For now. I know that Romanotia will not stop. They want this country as their own, for reasons I hoped to find in her mind before I killed her. I did not find it. And if she did know, it's too late now. I couldn't stop myself from crying the moment I felt Jack's touch on my shoulder. It was so kind and loving, I felt I didn't deserve it. Then he pulled me close as my tears rolled down my cheeks. Matthew shot her. I still have to thank him for the distraction. Although her didn't kill her. I wish he had, but then I wouldn't have been able to drill through her mind before she drew her last breath. Jack was willing to kill her if she touched me in any way. I saw that, and I wish he had. But now that over. It's over. Judith is dead and it's over. I killed her but it's over. 

-Sarah is taking care of Gregory's body. He's being put into a casket as we speak. I think there should be a proper funeral and memorial for the guy.

Matthew seems to be fine, except for the wound on his leg. He's limping and I'm wondering what Judith's men did to him earlier. I'm too tired to go through his mind. I have no energy to visit it. I barely have energy to walk on my own. Jack is being my strong rock, even though I know that he is also crushed. I can't say anything. I don't want to. If I open my mouth, I'll only start crying again. I won't be able to stop. I can't risk that now. We have a friend's death to mourn, and an enemy's death to celebrate. 

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