Chapter 18

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Katherine's POV-

This is insane. This entire time the romanotian government has been threatening war against us? And we didn't know? We were meant to be the weapons used against Romanotia? We're gonna die!

-We're gonna die.

-Not if we do something about it. 

Jack immediately tells me. 

-Like what? Run? It's not like we've already tried. 

-Of course not, well, maybe. We'll figure it out.

-Guys, there's more.

Akilah seems to have found some more information. I hope it's good.

-Apparently, Romanotia has been trying to create a similar serum that was used on us, but results weren't positive. They gave up on the experiment. 

-Good for them.

-That sucks.

Both Branton and Stella say at the same time. This won't end well, like everything else in my life. 

-Branton, they killed our friends, remember?

-True, but look at us now. We have superpowers. We are awesome.

She scoffs, again. She clearly need some help, but does have a very valid point. But then again, Branton is right too.

-Anyway, the Ascana Science Lab decided to continue with the operation, but because of the crowded city, they moved the whole thing here to Uthington. The rest is history.

Akilah continues. We will literally be in future history books. That's scary, but awesome. 

-OK. We are weapons against Romanotia, to be used by the Aglarian government, which means Raquelle Fountaine, which means that Gregory works for her.

-Obviously. Didn't you ever figure it out, Jack?

-Sorry, Akilah. Not everyone is as smart as you.

-Stop arguing. We need a plan.

Stella finally says something that makes sense. Good for her. 

-What we need to do is find out why they decided to continue with the operation and when it was suppose to take place or end or whatever, and how this entire country can be saved.

-So you are telling us, Akilah, that you want us to play superheroes?

-Branton, no, but I do see your point. 

-Guys we have to go back to the facility.

Everyone gasps as those words come out of my mouth.

-Hear me out. That's were we'll get the answers. The five of us can take any guard down anyway.

-Yeah, but you're insane. 

-Look, Stella, don't you wanna know the truth?

-Yes, but there must be another place where we can find it. 

For a few seconds we're all quiet, thinking of a solution I hope. Then it clicks me.

-We have to go to where it started, Ascana.

-The capital? It's huge. We'll never find the Science Lab on our own. 

-Stella, remember we have abilites. You can fly of all things. I'm sure it would help.

-I get her point. 

Thank you, Akilah. 

-To know where you're going, you need to know where you've been.

-Who said that?

-I just did.

Damn, smartass. Makes sense though. 

Sarah's POV-

-Thank you, gentlemen. We'll be sure to call you as soon as we have some information. 

-Have a good day, ma'm.

They walk out the door and I close it, leaving me relieved. They didn't suspect a thing. The kids kept trying to get the away from the basement and making them believe that something was seen in some corner of cabinet. They got so confused, I don't really think they'll come back, and we'll never know something. Little Harry comes running into the Hallway, asking-

-Are they gone?

-Yes, my boy, they are.

He runs off, cheering, and once the other kids hear him, they join him. But all that I want to know is if the kids are OK and what they plan to do next.

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