Chapter 22

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Jack's POV-

-What did you say?

I'm angry, annoyed. How dare Stella say that, after ruining any chances between me and Kath, and then just trying to make a move on me all day. She literally sat beside me when I needed some time to think. She's so annoying. But instead of getting worried or sad, the smile on her face turns into a mischievous grin. Not cool.

-Well, obviously there is some tension between us.

-I hadn't noticed. 

I'm trying to hard to do something hasty. If Akilah has taught me anything is to think things through, something Branton hasn't really learned yet, of Stella in this case. 

-Really? Well, I have.

She's acting so innocent, like she hasn't been planning this for years. I see where this is going, and I'm going to play along.

-And what kind of tension is that?

-Well, are you sure you want me to say it?

She's getting flirty, really flirty. She's not good at it, at all. She leans in closer and I try so hard not to move away.

-Yeah, I want you to say it.

-I feel sexual tension.

She said it. She really said it. I feel my eyes roll, but thank goodness she can't see it. Play cool. This is how she wants to play, but she doesn't know that I make the rules.

-Is that so?

I ask, now softening my gaze and giving her a grin. She's moving closer. She wants to kiss me, again. The first time she had caught me off guard, but now its my turn. Once her lips almost touch mine, I say it.

-I don't feel the same. 

She practically jumps back, shocked, confused, possibly angry. 


-You heard me. I don't have any special feelings for you. If I could do what Kath can, I would cut you off from my telepathic brain. But I can't, so all I can tell you is to stop trying to flirt with me and get away from me. Got it?


She's testing me. She's trying way too damn hard. Can't she just stop it?

-Because I'm still in love with Kath, Stella. And because of you she cut me off, so thank you.

I say sarcastically, and really angry. I don't want to hurt her, so I move back to the window and stare out of it, kind of happy that's over. From the corner of my eye I just see her sitting back, heartbroken.

Akilah's POV-

Jack and Stella are sitting in the seat in front of Branton and I, so I heard everything. Once we find Kath I'm going to tell her exactly what happened and what a fake friend Stella really is. She can't go through all of this without knowing. But considering love, Branton and I basically confirmed our relationship right here. So now we're sitting side by side, hand in hand, with my head on his shoulder. My personal life couldn't be better right now. I feel bliss, happiness, and comfort. I feel like so many dreams have come true at once. I think he feels the same. It's a wonderous feeling. I understand I'm still a little young, but that's fine. I'm very mature for my age, obviously. With that in mind, I feel horrible for Stella because of Jack's rejection, but happy for Kath because she'll be happy to know he loves her. 



Branton called me 'sweetie'! How cute is that?

-In Ascana I'll take you on our first official date.

I lift my head to face him, excitement all over my face I'm sure.


He nods with a satisfied grin on his face, his ebony eyes filled with happiness. 

-Of course. We can't be a real couple if we won't go on dates.

I give a slight chuckle, and he gives me a small but precious kiss on my right cheek. I'm literally melting. My heart is on fire! After a short time, Branton falls asleep on my shoulder, but I'm not tired so I decide to do something with my abilities. Practice with them, maybe. I try feeling the electricity that flows through the train. It's a lot, very powerful. One small thing could go wrong and someone could die. Super intelligence doesn't need practicing, so I try using my X-Ray vision for a little bit. Looking around the train I see that some people have strange things in their bags and pockets, like someone had a container with lasagna. I wish I had lasagna. Looking a little more, I saw something oddly familiar. The person that was sitting in the row next to Jack and Stella's seat had something very similar to the bracelets we wore in the facility in his pockets. I had never seen the person before though, or maybe I had. It was a dark man, long curly black hair, wearing a black jacket. The more I looked at him, the more familiar he seemed. This is where my intelligence comes in. I, like, "looked" through my mind to find any recollection of seeing someone like that, and sure enough there he was. He was one of the scientists from the facility, actually always one that was on the sidelines. This is not good. They found us and were trying to capture us. Smart though.

-B? Branton.

I decide to wake him up, which he usually doesn't like but I had no choice.

-What is it?

I slightly point at the guy.

-We've been found.

Operation W.A.R.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن