Chapter 37

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Akilah's POV-

Well, we found Judith, although it seems that she's been waiting for us. There's a smile on her face that suggests that she knows something we don't, and I hate that. In her hand, she holds a small flask with bright blue liquid. The Serum. She has the last of it. But how?

-Wondering how I got my hands on this little thing? 

She lifts her hand higher, for all to see the small glass. 

-But Akilah, she and Raquelle made sure that it was all destroyed just now.

-Except that she failed, precious Stella. Don't you know that I will always be a step in front of you? I know more than you think. 

-Then why don't you elaborate? We'd love to hear it.

It's the first Raquelle has directly spoken to Judith, at least as far as I know. A small chuckle escapes Judith's lips, and I look at Kath. She better start going through Judith's mind or everything will ruined. She'll never tell us what she knows.

-All I can tell you, lovely Raquelle, is that Romanotia will finally have Aglaria after I return home with this.

She spit out Raquelle's name as though it were poisonous, and it made her flinch. I don't know how that must be. They were friends and worked together. Now, the tables have truly turned. 

-Why are you doing this? Why now? You've been here for a decade.

I had to say something, even though I'm getting confused looks from my friends.

-Because I have to. I have a duty to do, and I will be honored when I return home. They will love me, my family will recognize me again, and you will be under my command.

She's practically laughing, and it seems she's a complete maniac. This was her plan all along, with the entire Romanotian government. Clever, very clever. Like a shock, I hear a gunshot in the building. Seems to come from the hallway out the door. 

-Who else is in the building, kids?

Judith stares at Kath, like she's the one responsible. In seconds, Jack is holding a gun of his own, pointing it at Judith's head. He really has a cool power, to create weapons in mere seconds, and it suits him. 

-Put that down, boy. We don't need any more bloodshed than there has already been.

She means Gregory. She knows that her soldiers shot Gregory and killed him. Of course she would blame it on us. Then we hear another gunshot. All of our attention is on the open door behind us, including Judith. She is angry, enraged, and it can clearly be seen on her face. After a few moments of silence, Matthew appears at the door, holding two guns, one in each hand. 

-Matthew, what are you doing here?

-Out of the way, kids.

I move away from the door and he aims both of his guns to Judith.

-Do you really think you can kill me, old man?

She's mocking him, but if I know anything, that's never a good idea. 

-Maybe, maybe not. Only one way to find out.

He pulls the trigger of one gun, hitting her leg. She falls to the floor, yelping in pain. She drops the flask and it shatters. Finally, all of it gone. Kath wastes no time. She runs to Judith's side, her palm resting on her head. She will kill her. 

-Your time is over, Judith.

The hate in Kath's voice tells me everything. She will have no mercy, none at all. That's when Judith begins screaming, as Kath is destroying her brain, piece by piece. The most cruel torture and painful death she can give to anyone. All I can do is watch, hear the screams, and wait for her to stop breathing and fall to the floor. 

Kath's POV-

There's so much in her head. So many memories and information. I'm taking everything I can before I kill her. We need to know as much as we can before it all is gone with her death. I'm just glad drilling through her mind is painful. It's torture, one that she deserves for letting Gregory be killed. I watch her grow up, I watch her being neglected by her family, and then I watch her becoming a spy for the Romanotian government and meeting us. I see every moment of her life until this point. I hope all of this will be valuable information when she's gone. She's still screaming, and I'm surprised she hasn't passed out yet. She must have a lot of stamina. I make the final blow, destroying her mind from the inside. One last scream, and she falls. Judith is dead. I feel numb.

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