Chapter 4

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The needle pierced her arm, the blue mysterious liquid entering her veins. The pain was indescribable. She screamed in pain, but there was no one in sight to help her. Everything around her was dark, only one light shone above her. She felt sweat drip down from her forehead, her golden blonde hair already wet. She closed her eyes and opened them again, lying in her bed, safe and sound. Just a nightmare, a silly little nightmare. Six years had passed since the vaccination, still Katherine's subconscious decided to scare her with nightmares about it. The window across from her bed let the sunlight shine through, lighting the room. She sat up in her bed, looking around her white room. Her golden sheets sparkled from the sunlight, as did her golden drapes. In a corner, a beautiful black electric guitar could be found, next to a keyboard. Over the years, Katherine had been learning different instruments. It seemed to help her forget the rest of the world and its problems. Katherine fell back on her bed, rubbing her head. The dream had given her a headache, and a bad one. Taking a few deep breaths, she finally stood up, headed for the bathroom. Once she finally got dressed and ready for the day, leaving the room she almost bumped into someone.

-Woah! Morning, Stella.

Stella had grown into a beautiful young lady, even in Katherine's point of view. Her almond eyes matched her short, straight hair. 

-Hey, girl. What's up?

-The roof?

Katherine responded. She was definitely not a morning person, unlike Stella. 

-Oh, cheer up. Your night couldn't have been that bad. 

-Wouldn't you want to know.

-Hey ladies.

Branton joined the conversation, without anyone's approval, as usual.

-Morning, B. Couldn't be a better morning, don't you think?

Stella's optimism was sometimes very annoying to Katherine, but luckily Branton could tolerate it. 

-Yep. You OK, Kath?

She looked at him with her sleepy eyes and slightly nodded, hopefully projecting enough sarcasm for him to understand. 


-I'm starving.

Stella led the way to the kitchens, where Jack and Akilah were already digging into their eggs. 

-Well, someone slept well.

Akilah immediately mentioned as they came into the room, her face completely worried. Jack looked up from his plate and actually chuckled a little.

-No kidding. The bedbugs must have bitten her.

Katherine raised her eyebrows, looking at Jack like she was threatening him.

-Right, sorry. 

-OK, it seems my sarcasm has rubbed off on the rest of you.

Branton said hastily as he got himself a mug of coffee. The others chuckled a little.

-Was that sarcasm?

Stella said, grabbing herself a bowl of cereal. A small smirk grew on the other's faces, while Branton just rolled his eyes. 

-Not this time.

Katherine sat down with the others around the kitchen island, filling her bowl of cereal with milk. Branton and Stella joined them too, getting into conversation. They finally finished all of their food and drinks and went to the training room. Everyday, each of them had a different training schedule, and each of them included martial arts, archery, swordsmanship, gun practice, and normal strength workouts. This was usually every morning. After lunch they had separate training for the control of their special abilities. Everyone usually loved this part, where they would sometimes be a little reckless and mess with the trainers. Always gave them a little laugh. Stella usually had swordsmanship first, with Leonard, Akilah had strength workouts with Roy, Jack had martial arts with Ricky, Branton had guns with Payton, and Katherine went to the archery section, where Joe was waiting for her. 

-Morning. You do not look good.

-Are you telling me I'm ugly?!

She responded sarcastically, looking at him as though she were offended. He just rolled his emerald green eyes and gave Katherine her bow and quiver. 

-Very funny. Let's get to work. 

They were about to begin when the doors opened. Gregory Wilson came in and looked around the room. After all these years, Gregory had become like their godfather, spoiling them with what they wanted or needed. He still looked quite young with his baby blue eyes and curly, dirty blonde hair. 

-Good morning, kids. I hope you rested well.

He had a smile on his face as each of them nodded in response. Now that Gregory was in the room, they went to work happily, not wanting to disappoint him. Every Saturday, he would sit in a chair in a corner of the room with a little black notebook, where he would write down the kids' success. After their long practice that morning, and lunch has already been eaten, they would have some free time. Gregory had built them a special room where they could just chill out and waste their time together. He thought it would be a good idea to make sure that they had good relationships with each other. This room contained a pool table, a grand piano, incredibly comfortable sofas, and the best WiFi of the entire building. Also, a large smart TV, where the boys would normally play video games. The worst part was that it was an entirely white room. 

-Kath, play us something. Maybe sing along too.

Stella immediately said as they opened the door and the room came into their sight. 

-I'll play, but I won't sing.

-Close enough. 

Jack and Branton went first to the pool table, much to the other's surprise. Akilah dropped herself on one of the sofas and took out her phone, Stella went and stood next to the black piano, where Katherine was already sitting. She lightly played a few simple songs, much to Stella's enjoyment. The others were a little too busy to listen to her. All of a sudden, they heard loud snoring. Akilah had fallen asleep. Her wavy, strawberry blonde hair had fallen on her face, moving every time she breathed, and her phone was still in her hand on top of her chest.  Katherine immediately stopped playing, staring at her sleeping peacefully. Jack and Branton looked at each other and a small smirk grew on their faces. The girls knew this wouldn't end well, but they wanted to see what would happen. Slowly, the boys crept up to Akilah, trying to not make a single sound. Once they were close to her, they screamed.


They yelled in unison, and Akilah jumped up, struck with fear. She quickly looked at her phone while the boys laughed so hard their stomachs began to hurt. The girls laughed along, thinking it was funny. Akilah looked up from her phone, realizing that they had just been messing with her, and her fearful expression was replaced with anger. 

-Seriously? Why you gotta scare me like that? It's not funny.

She fell back onto the sofa, taking a deep breath to relax.

-Oh yes, that was funny.

Branton said in between his hysterical laughing, much to Akilah's dismay. 

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