Chapter 25

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Akilah's POV-

My heart. At first I couldn't feel it, but then the pain hit. The realization that I killed those people has me weak. I can't stand. I fall to my knees and tears fall from my eyes. The guilt, the shame, it's all too much to handle. I remember when I was old enough to understand what Gregory had done to my friends from the orphanage, I swore to myself I would never in my lifetime kill a human being, and I reminded myself of that vow every year since then. Now it's been six years and I have broken that vow that I thought would keep me pure. I am tainted by the blood of those men, who only did as they were told. I can't take it. It's too much. My hands cover my face and catch all the tears as they fall from my cheeks. What have I done? Who am I? I'm a killer. I killed them. I'm a killer. I feel someone touch me. I can't hear anything, it's all just a blur in my mind, my eyes, except my feelings. 

-Akilah? Akilah.

It sounds faint but I finally hear it. A soft but strong voice speaks my name and its so familiar. I decide to finally look up from my wet hands and through the blur I see Branton, whose hand reaches out to me. He's on his knees next to me, with the most comforting smile he can muster. He certainly must know how I'm feeling. I take his hand, even though mine is still wet from my tears. Stella and Jack are still standing where they were earlier, eyeing me with pain and sorrow in their eyes. 

-I, I, I killed them.

They don't say anything. Instead they look down to their feet. That means it's only true.

-I'm a murderer. 

Branton tries to hush me, but I don't listen to him.

-I'm a murderer!

I cry out. Luckily there are no people in the station nearby right now. They must have all ran when they saw something strange going on. More sobs escape my control. Branton puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his embrace. I cry on his shoulder as he tries to comfort me. It works slightly, giving me back my strength to stand up. It's slow, but steady. Branton helps me regain my balance. Stella runs to me and gives me a firm embrace. It's comforting and I needed it. Jack come towards me when Stella finally lets go. His arms are firm and safe and it helps me regain my conscience. 

-It's OK. Lets just get out of here.

He tells me as he breaks away and cups my face with his hands. Always so protective and right now I couldn't appreciate it more. His blue eyes show compassion and I finally see why both Kath and Stella consider him attractive. He's kind but protective, emotional but strong. He's always been like a big brother to me, especially after his sister was killed by the serum. He walks away, Stella closely behind him. He carries a gun, one he constructed from his abilities and leads the way. Branton takes my right hand, brings me close to him and walks with me, out of the station onto the busy streets of Ascana. I suddenly feel numb, and I'm thankful for the feeling right now. 

Gregory's POV-

They should be at the Lab with the kids right now. Where are those bastards. The train from Uthington to Ascana already arrived, so that means the kids should have already been captured and contained, but so far we've heard of nothing. At least not until I look at the news of the flat TV screen of my office in Science Lab. 

"Shocking news. Today, around the time of 1:30, the train that came from the city of Uthington had technical difficulties that resulted in a massive explosion of the train. Seven people have been reported dead from this incident. Witnesses have reported that there were four teenagers involved but escaped after the explosion, but that is as far as their knowledge of this situation is known."

The woman on the screen continues talking but now its all just a faint blabber. The kids killed my men. I should have known they would figure it out and attack before they had the chance to capture them. Now they escaped from my grasp, again. I don't know what's left to do, other than wait for them to come to the Lab themselves. I know that there is information here that they want to know, and they will get it. I know they will. They have to. They will just fight if I try any other way. I press a buzzer on my desk and the door opens, Judith entering like a trusted servant. 

-Gregory, what is it?

-Judith, the kids are on the loose in the city. Make sure that when they decide to come here, they will be given all the information they want to know, but only under the influence of the bracelets.

-Wait, they are coming here? What about your men?

-They are dead. 

Judith's honey brown eyes reveal shock and disbelief. Like myself, she would not have believed at first that they were willing to kill for their freedom, but we have both been proven wrong. She slightly nods without saying another word and leaves my office, closing the white door behind her.

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