Chapter 11

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-General POV-

-Its true. You don't have your bracelets on. Your coming with me.

He takes Katherine and Jack's hands and leads them out of the training room into his office. The others seem to be waiting there already for them. Stella doesn't dare look at Jack and Katherine when they walk in. 

-You should have told me that Judith didn't put your bracelets back on you.

-We're sorry. Even we forgot about it.

Katherine quickly says. She's trying her best to make sure that he doesn't get too angry, otherwise they will never ever see Sarah again. 

-Judith promised that she would put the bracelets back on you. I'll got and find her and bring her here to put the bracelets back on you. Don't you dare move or do anything stupid.

He walks out of the room, closing the door behind him and the kids let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. 

-Damn it! I didn't want them to find out!

Branton lets out. Katherine doesn't really care anymore. She's kinda happy their getting the bracelets back on because she had enough of mind reading to do. Unknowingly, she looks over to the desk into the computer, not expecting much, but expecting more than she thought. Gregory seemed to have been in a file called "Operation W.A.R." 

-Akilah, can you come here?

Since her abilities are electrokinesis, maybe she can figure something out. 

-Look at this.

She looks over into the computer, sitting down in the chair. She scrolls through the file and reads, realizing what is going on.

-We're experiments.

She says, her face expression full of shock.

-We're being used by the government. They want us as weapons. They want to use us for their power. With our abilities, they will make spies of us, so that they can conquer other countries.


-That's what I get from this file. We are nothing to them in reality.

This was unexpected. They had trusted Gregory, Judith, and everyone else with their lives, only to find out they are part of a secret experiment and government property? Everyone is shocked by this news, realizing their entire life up to this point has been a lie. 

-What in hell do we do now? We can't just let them get away with this!

Branton mentions, everyone agreeing that they should do something about this, but what? Like on cue, Gregory returns into the room, now accompanied by Judith. She's holding the bracelets in her hands, along with the electric keys to lock them. His eyes widen once he sees the kids surrounding his computer. They are angry, feel betrayed, and he doesn't know how to react.

-Alright. I see that you've seen what was in there, but I can explain.

-Explain!? WE'RE BEING USED!

Branton was never good at holding in his anger. Usually the kids would stop him from doing something stupid, but right now, they are taking his side. Katherine's doing what she should have been doing and listens to Gregory's thoughts. "I should have known they would see that. They should never have found out. Raquelle will hate me for this." 

-Who's Raquelle?

Katherine looks at Gregory, sudden hate rushing through her. Who the hell is this woman? They had heard the name before but never bothered to know who it was, until now. 

-No, stop reading my mind, Katherine! Judith, bracelets, now.

The woman walks towards them, the bracelets in hand, but this time the kids won't let them have their way. They want answers, one way or another, or they will leave. Yeah, they'll leave. Judith doesn't stop walking, so Katherine decides to stop her. Through her mind, she sends her a psionic blast, causing her to feel immense pain in her head. She drops the bracelets and keys as her hands fly to her head, screaming in pain. She falls to the ground, and doesn't take long for her to fall unconscious. Branton takes the bracelets and keys, lighting them on fire in his hand for them to melt. Gregory looks at them in horror as they now focus on him. Katherine does the same to Gregory as she did to Judith and he falls unconscious to the ground in front of them. 

-Lets go.

Jack doesn't waste any time dwelling on what they just did and walks out of the room, the others following him. They run to their rooms, quickly putting many objects into backpacks, getting jackets, their phones, clothes and other things. They walk out of the facility, no one suspecting anything strange as they walk out.  

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