Chapter 12

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-Gregory's POV-

I wake up on the floor of my big office, my head is throbbing. What happened? For a few moments I don't even remember my own name, until everything comes back to me. Those stupid kids. I had to make the mistake of leaving my computer on, not that Akilah would have figured out how to hack it, but considering that she is very innocent, she wouldn't do such at thing. I try to stand up, stumbling as I try to walk forward. Judith is still unconscious, her short, curly, black hair covering her face. This was never suppose to happen. Also, Katherine shouldn't have read my mind, but considering the situation, I would have done the same thing. I have to tell Raquelle yet what happened. I hope she doesn't fire me. That would destroy my entire life. Today will be incredibly long. 

-Katherine's POV-

We started running through the city, we're all following Jack as he's taking the lead. What have we done? All I know is that I don't want to be someone's experiment, or used as a weapon. Things certainly wouldn't end well. Once again, the streets are crowded with hocking vehicles and people. I just hope we don't run into a member of the gang we encountered yesterday, although I don't think we will. We keep rushing through the crowd, Branton and Akilah behind me holding hands. It's incredibly adorable seeing them like that, but I can't dwell on those thoughts right now. It only adds to the drama. We end up following Jack to the orphanage, the only other place we actually know. He knocks on the door as we all try to catch our breaths. Adorable little Harry opens the door again, but this time he smiles at our familiar faces, showing us the cutest dimples. His green eyes literally lit up, making my heart skip a beat. I already love the little gentleman. 

-Hey, Harry. Mind letting us in?

Jack asks him, trying to form a smile on his face. 

-I'll go tell headmistress you're here.

The smile doesn't leave his face as he runs toward Sarah's office. We walk in, closing the door behind us. 

-They didn't see where we went, did they?

Branton asks, looking out of the window to the doors right. 

-I don't think so. Besides, no one really knew what was going on, but I think once Gregory and Judith wake up from Kath's attack it won't take long for them to look for us. 

Akilah responds, leaning against the wall. She still trying to catch her breath from running across the entire city. As though from a scene in a movie, Branton takes Akilah's hand, lifting it to his lips and planting a small kiss on it.

-Guess that date will have to wait, darling.

OK, that was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Suddenly Jack comes into my mind, but then I remind myself of what happened just a few moments before all of this mess. I look over to him, his blue eyes already focused on me. I won't dwell on it much and move out of the main hallway and walk toward Sarah's office. Stella follows, although I was half hoping that Jack would.

-Kath, wait.

-What do you want, Stella?

My tone comes out in anger. I don't look at her, but she runs in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

-I need to talk to you about what happened today.


-Because he didn't kiss me back.


He didn't? Why? Stella is pretty, no doubt about that, and she's a great person. Why wouldn't he kiss her back.

-Yeah. I thought I could make a move on him and I'm sorry but jealousy got the best of me. 

-Jealousy? Look, I don't want to talk about it right now. 

Not that long ago, both of us developed a crush on Jack, but we made a deal that he wouldn't get in between our friendship. We promised that we wouldn't make a move on him if he didn't want to, which is the promise that she definitely broke. 

-We have more important things to do right now.

I walk passed her and knock on Sarah's door and open it. It's an empty room. Where the little Harry run off to then? Soon, there's a knock on the open door. I turn around, hoping it will be Sarah, but it ends up being Harry. A smile forms on my face.

-Hey, Harry. Did you find Sarah?

-Yeah, she's outside, in the garden. She said you could come out and see her.

-Thanks. I'll tell the others.

He runs off before I get a real good look at the young man. I wonder how old he is. I walk back into the main hall and tell the others where Sarah is and they follow me through the building into the back yard. I'm surprised I still remember how to get there.  We find her right where Harry told me, in the small garden in the backyard of the orphanage.

-When Harry told me that you were back, I was a little dumbfounded.

She says with a genuine smile on her face. It warms my heart. She walks toward us, taking off her gloves and gives each of us a hug.

-So, what brings you back so quickly?

-Well, it's a long story actually. It would be best if you sat down if we tell you.

Stella says, putting her arm around her shoulder, and she clearly is confused, and I don't blame her.

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