Chapter 15

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Branton's POV-

Being here, the old playground. Suddenly so many memories come flooding back. I rememeber when Jack and Olivia were brought to the orphanage. The moment I met him I knew we would be good friends. I can't believe that's been so long, and now we're back, hiding from the law basically. What the hell are we doing? We're only teenagers. But, oh well. Jack's been a little weird lately though. Don't know if its all of this or something else. Well, I'm about to find out. He walked over and sat down right next to me. 

-Hey, man. 

-Dude, you good?

-No way. Something really crazy happened today morning.

OK, now I really wanna know. 

-Really? Do tell, man.

-Stella kissed me.

Oh. Damn. This is crazy. I know for a fact that he's been into Kath for a while already. He's just a shy guy.

-What? I thought you like Kath.

-I do. She just came onto me. The worst part, Kath saw it.

-Sh*t. That sucks.

Wasn't expecting this story. Turns out that Stella has a crush on Jack. Wonder what's going on is Kath's mind. 

-What will you do now?

-I don't know. I told Stella that I didn't like her, but it turns out that Kath hasn't found that out. 

-Pfft. Girls. They get so damn jealous, even if they call themselves best friends. They are manipulative creatures. I'm sure Stella didn't say anything to Kath so that she will back off. 

-What makes you think that she wanted anything from me to begin with?

He looks at me with his blue eyes. He seems half hearbroken. It shouldn't be that bad, or is it? 

-Oh please. What kind of girl wouldn't want to date you? I don't blame Stella for kissing you because of it.

I've always prided myself with my ability to make people feel better. I hope this is working. He chuckling. He's smiling. Yes!

-Thanks, man, but I don't know. Its weird. 

-Did Kath do something to make you think that she was hurt after she saw Stella kiss you?

He's quiet for a while and then he answers.

-Well, she ran out the door, then cut me off from her mind.

Damn. She cut him off. She's deffinitely hurt. 

-Dude, you gotta fix this.

-How? She now thinks that Stella and I are dating, while we are not, and no matter what I say, she won't know if I'm telling the truth or not. My chance with her is gone. 

He's serious. I hate when he gets too serious. There's no changing his mind after that. I put my arm around his neck. 

-Everything will be fine. She'll find out the truth. She always does. 

-I just need to speak up more. I had to be a shy dude. 

-Its cool. If we didn't have both the world would be boring. 

Jack's POV-

I have literally the best friend in the whole world. I sure I would have no self-confidence without him. But he's knows I'm right. My chance with Kath is gone. Once you're cut off, there is no going back. Oh well, maybe I should try dating Stella. I mean, clearly she already likes me, and she's cool. Maybe I could develop feelings after time. Should I tell Branton this crazy idea? He's crazy himself, but who knows what he would say. I better not. I have to do something soon though.

-Thanks man. I appretiate it. Its nice to know I have you.

His arm is still around my neck, and a smirk grows on his face. His stupid damn ego.

-Thank you. I think its nice having me too.

I roll my eyes and chuckle a little, while he bursts out laughing. He stands up, walks toward Akilah, who's still playing with a little girl. Kath and Stella seem to still be friends though. They are talking by the swings. I kinda wanna know what they are talking about. I erase that thought from my head as soon as it enters. That's none of my business. 

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