Chapter 30

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Kath's POV-

Tears are trailing down my cheeks for the second time today. I'm weak from the handcuffs, and I can barely sit up straight and look out of the window. Judith takes one good look at me. Yes, I had my way to figure out how I know about the alterations to the Generator Serum, but she's right. I'm useless now. I will die here, weak and useless. 

-My dear Katherine. You can barely sit up straight. Have you been wearing the handcuffs for too long? 

She taunting me, but I just hear myself breathing deeply, harshly. It's getting painful to move.

-What are you doing to me?

-You've worn the handcuffs for over an hour now. The effects should finally get more painful.

-What do you mean?

I hear Jack's voice, usually strong and kind, now weak and fearful. 

-Well, she'll die within the hour. 


Another chuckle comes out of Judith's mouth. 

-Of course. Did you really think these handcuffs were like your old bracelets? Please. These are weapons. They kill you if you wear them for two hours straight. 

-It's radioactive, isn't it?

-Akilah, smart even without the power. 

-Let her go!

-Now, now, Jack. I can't let that happen. She could destroy the world I'm trying so hard to help build.  As could you. That's why the five of you are still wearing them. The rest can die of dehydration or hunger, which ever comes first. 

She is vile, she's cruel. She is the definition of evil for me at this point. I'll die first, then the others will come after me. Then Harry, or Adam, or Sarah, or even Matthew, who I never had to chance to really meet. Seeing him now I realize why Sarah married him. He seems rather handsome for an older man, and seems to have a wonderful personality. Now, he will die at the hands of Judith Accola, the spy. Although I do feel sorry for them, I can't help thinking about Jack. I know he's suppose to be with Stella, I mean, that's the impression I got, but I still care about him, almost too much. I have to see him. I have to see him before I die. I try sitting up straight, but it hurts my lungs, my muscles. But I do it nonetheless. I don't care if he doesn't like me or love me anymore, I still do. Right across from the room is his window, where he's standing against it. His hands in the handcuffs in front of him. I can't read his mind, but I hope he's trying to break free to reach me. 

-And one more thing.

Judith's voice echoes through the speakers again, and I'm hating it. She walks to Jack's window, but not close enough to block his image from mine. 

-You know why you're in the cell opposite to Katherine?

Jack stays silent. Instead he lets his anger be reflected in his beautiful eyes, now darkened by hatred. 

-So that you can watch the love of your life die for once. You never saw Olivia die, so you get to watch Katherine do so. Enjoy the show.

She finally walks away, remote in hand, and leaves through door number 6, the exit. Olivia's death was horrible on Jack, making him the protective big brother to Akilah and probably the rest of us too, although I never saw him that way. I watch the hatred in his eyes turn to sorrow and pain as he realizes the truth in her words. Are they true? Am I the love of his life? I want him to say it, not her. 

-Kath, I'm so sorry.

I hear Stella through the speakers and look over at room 1.

-What are you sorry for?

I barely have the strength to say that. 

-For making you hate Jack.

What is she talking about?

-Stella, you're gonna have to explain.

My breathing is heavier. It's harder to keep myself at level of the window.

-Jack never kissed me. I kissed him, against his will.

That seems like forever ago. It's incredible how much can happen in a short period of time. But he never wanted to kiss her? 

-Stella, you didn't?

-I'm so sorry, Katherine.

She's crying. I think the news that I was going to die in front of them in an hour was a little heavy.

-I was jealous and I felt threatened by you. You're so much better than I ever will be and I wanted a little attention for myself. I'm so sorry. I was selfish and mean and just a horrible person.

She manages to say it in between all the sobs. I can't believe it. If I had known Stella felt like that, I would have probably seen things a little differently. I wouldn't have cut Jack off from my mind. I don't know what I would have done. I look at him. Even from far away I see the pain in his eyes.

-Is this true?

I ask him and a small smile is seen on his face. Its sentimental, but still a little happy.

-Yes. I should have told you this so long ago, Kath, but I love you. 

He said it. He really said it. 

-I'm so sorry you thought otherwise.

I can't help the smile growing on my lips, but reality sinks back in.

-Stella, how could you? 

-I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

-Before I die? Last time I checked you were suppose to be my friend. Real friends don't feel jealous of each other. You are amazing in your own way. Can't you accept that?

-I wish I could, but I don't have your confidence. And I wanted to feel loved.

-Please stop talking, Stella. I have more important things to think about right now.

For example, how much I want to kiss Jack right now, more than I've wanted before. But I'll die before that even has a chance to happen, all because of a misunderstanding. How romantic. 

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