Chapter 29

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Gregory's POV-

I never expected this to happen. It was so sudden that I would have never seen it coming. The moment Judith walked out of my office, I decided to take a look at the security cameras. I saw a Kath running through a hallway with a little kid that I immediately recognized as Raquelle's son, Adam. I was immediately concerned. What was he doing with Katherine? And in the Lab? What looked like them saying goodbye, I saw a guard capture her and walk away, except that he wasn't one of my guards. They did the same to Adam when he arrived at the lobby. I never wanted this to happen. I wanted them to find the truth themselves so that they could realize what was really going on and they would trust us again, not to capture them. Judith ran into my office, agitated. She had apparently seen the footage as well. Both of us ran towards the elevator, except that two of those same guards were in there. They took me by the hands, but not Judith. She walked in and pressed the 70th button. I never knew what was up there, except that it was a new floor that was added not that long ago. Then I put the two pieces together. This was all Judith's doing. She's the spy we've been trying to hard to find, and we never succeeded because it was Judith this whole time. I was put into the cell and saw that Katherine and Adam were already locked up. Trying to fight was useless. They would just kill me with the guns on their belts. Soon Raquelle was thrown into a different cell, and then other people, one who I noticed was Sarah Danford from the Orphanage. Now we're all sitting here, in these white room, all separate but together at the same time. Still stands in the middle of the room, slowly turning around, taking in the view of all of us at her mercy. My most trusted worker, friend even, the bad guy. 

-Now, that all of you are here, there is nothing stopping me from taking over does it?

How can I hear her talk? Then I look up. There's a small speaker  in the top left corner of the room, and a microphone next to it. They must be activated with the remote in her hand. 

-What the hell are you planning?

I hear Akilah's voice and I direct my eyes at room 3, where she's touching the window, as though she were trying to get out. Her wrists are still in the cuffs, and she seems so weak and frail from their power. Her voice echoes through my room from the speaker, and I realize she made sure we would be able to communicate, while still being in separate cells. 

-You see, little Akilah, my boss wants this country for himself, to make it better. No one will have to work anymore. Why wake up early in the morning, when you can enjoy yourself?

She seems so proud of herself, like it's going to be revolutionary. I can see what it is: Lust for power, for more land, only to cause more poverty than already exists on this planet. 

-And who is your boss exactly? 'Cause I'm pretty sure Gregory is not him. 

Akilah's angry, and she usually is quite calm. It's kind of scaring me, even though she is in a different room. 

-The president of Romanotia, of course. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that you, Raquelle Fountaine, are no longer in charge.

Judith walks to room 11, the one where President Fountaine is contained in. I can't see much from here, except that a bruised hand is touching the window. What did they do to her? She doesn't say anything, and I understand her. I wouldn't either if I were in her position. 

-Leave my mom alone!

Adam screams out from room 9, but Judith only gives a small chuckle.

-How lovely. I didn't think you loved your mother.

Even though Judith already has dark features, like skin, hair, eyes, she's never seemed darker, considering that the circular room is incredibly bright. 

-I trusted you, Judith. How could you?

Her attention drifts to me, room 10. I see the happiness in her eyes of watching me suffer a betrayal, the one she caused. Slowly she walks toward my window, the grin on her face getting wider. 

-Because I don't care about you, Gregory. I worked by your side this whole time, trying to find a way to bring the Romanotian soldiers into this country with the advantage of everyone being to scared, to confused, to shocked. For ten years I waited for the day that I could finally achieve glory by becoming the reason for this country's revolution. I will be praised, and you will be dead. 

A laugh escapes her like she just said the funniest joke possible. I don't find it funny, instead it burns in my heart where Judith, my friend, was. She had been so loyal, I had almost asked her out on a date, but things should stay clearly professional. Let's just say, she played her part well.

-You're the reason the Romanotian Authorities knew everything about Operation W.A.R.

-That's right. I knew everything, and I gave them everything they needed to know. Sadly, I never got myself on the hands of the actual Serum to be sent back, so I made sure that it would be made more potent.

What? I didn't know of this. After Branton accidentally destroyed everything we had about the Serum in the Uthington Science Facility, she shut down the making of more and decided to help these five kids instead of turning them into weapons. Something they never really had a chance to figure out. 

-What does the Serum do now that it's more potent?

Akilah always asking questions, and right now the questions I don't have the voice to ask. Instead of Judith answering, we finally hear Katherine's voice coming through the speakers.

-Instead of transforming a few part of a person's DNA to give them abilities, they change the entire personality, turning them into killers and soldiers against their will.

She sounds so scared, so fragile, so weak. I always admired her voice before, talking and singing. It was strong, powerful, and so confident. It was always beautiful when I heard her sing to herself in her room when I would walk passed. Now it's the exact opposite of all of those things. Judith turns to face room 8, Katherine's room.

-Yes. How did you know?

She seems surprised, but pleased. 

-I have my ways.

-Mind control. Clever, but now useless. Sad story really.

I feel a deep aching in my heart. Even though I never really showed it, I thought of her and the kids as my own, and hearing Katherine's voice crack as she's about to cry breaks me apart.  

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