Chapter 6

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Judith was running after the kids just as they walked out the main exit of the facility. Turning around, they noticed she had the special scanning device that took off their bracelets. 

-Just in case you need to protect yourselfs.

She first took Jack's hand, who was in complete and utter shock.

-You're taking off our bracelets? Out of training?

-Of course. You're going to insecure property. You need to be safe. 

One by one, she took off the kids bracelets and held on to them. They were looking at her with the biggest smiles, while she replied with a smirk on her face.

-Now, only use your powers when you need to. Got it?

They nodded in agreement, which seemed to satisfy her. She turned around and walked inside.

-Could this day get any better?

Branton immediately muttered to himself as they walked off onto the streets of Uthington. The hot summer sun was beginning to set, but it was still bright enough to see the grey streets of the city. People were all over the place, but no one had a smile on their faces. Something told them that this was definitely not a safe city, or a happy one. Vehicles were all over the place, speeding through the streets without end, and blinding lights of shops and stores. Now that they didn't have their bracelets on, Akilah could finally use her super intelligence in the outside world. And thank goodness for that, otherwise they would have never found the orphanage. It was just as they remembered it. A three story building, small windows, grey walls, and surrounded by a black fence. Some how, little fear struck them. They didn't know what to expect once they entered those gates. Of course, Jack took the lead, opening the gate for the others to walk through. They walked across the grass to the front doors and Branton took the liberty of knocking. 

-What will happen now?

Stella was nervous, not knowing what to do when the doors would open. 

-One way to find out.

Katherine was actually a little stressed. She didn't have a lot of memories of being at the orphanage after the death of her parents, but the little memories she did have she truly cherished. Then the double doors finally opened, they all looked up, expecting a grown up, but it was a little child, seven years old at least. Surprise replaced their anxiety for a few moments. Stella bend down to get a better look at the little boy. His curly brown hair and dashing green eyes made him adorable.


She said in the kindest voice she could muster.

-What's your name?


-Well, Harry, may we come in?


He ran away, leaving it completely open for the others to come inside. Slowly, they entered the building, entering the main hallway. It was just the way they remembered it. Red walls, beige carpets, gave them a little bit of a gothic feeling. 

-Well, he was adorable.

Akilah said, looking around for the boy.

-Lets see if we find Sarah.

Jack again took the lead, walking through the hall towards what they remembered would be the office. It wasn't far away, next to the stairs at the end of the short hallway. He knocked, hoping someone would be in there. They heard a muffled "come in" from the inside of the room, and he slowly opened the door. They all peaked through, looking at the woman sitting at the desk. She was busy writing something, and it seemed she didn't notice who was about to enter the room. Smiles grew on their faces as they saw who it was, because Miss Sarah was no longer a housekeeper. 

-Please sit down. I will be right with you.

She said without looking up at them as they slowly walked into the room. They didn't dare say a word, or sit down. They almost didn't breathe. 

-Alright. How can I help you?

Finally, she looked up from her paper and pen, her jade green eyes making contact with them. 

-Hello, Miss Sarah.

Branton barely let the words slip from his lips as shock and surprise struck her. She slowly stood up from her chair, still staring at them with disbelief. 

-I can't be. Can it?

She said lightly, dropping the pen she had in her hand on the desk. 

-Apparently, it can. 

Jack answered, breathing heavily. After some time, a large smile grew on her face as she walked away from the to them. 

-My children!

She stretched out her arms, Akilah running to hug her. It didn't take long for it to become a group hug with Sarah in tears. 

-I can't believe you're still alive. 

-Well, we survived. 

Katherine told her. She sat back down in her chair as Stella and Akilah sat in the two chairs opposite. 

-What brings you here? It has been so long.

-We understand that, but we only got permission now. Mr. Wilson is a little headstrong. 

-Of course. What happened to you all that time ago? They never told me. All they did say to me was that all of you died. 

-That's a bit melodramatic. 

Branton blurted out, disgusted by that knowledge. Jack decided to give Sarah the right answer, though.

-Well, they vaccinated us all individually, and apparently, only we survived. The others couldn't handle it. It was too much for them. 

-That's horrible. I grieved you all. If I had known you were still alive, I would have done something.

-Maybe that's why they didn't tell you. Now, that we are older, you can't really do much. 

-Sadly. What are they doing with you now?

-We're training, daily. 

Akilah saw the worried expression on Sarah's face.

-Don't worry. They take good care of us. As you can see we are quite fit and healthy. 

Sarah took a deep breath and her smile returned. 

-That's good. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they were treating you horribly. Would you like to eat something? The children just had dinner.

-No, it's alright. We actually just ate. 

Stella quickly replied.

-How have you been? I see you are no longer housekeeper.

Her apron had been replaced by a beautiful dress, her dark brown hair carefully put in a bun. She began to blush, chuckling a little.

-I got married. 

The kids faces lit up. 

-To a marvelous man. Mike Danford. He bought the orphanage when we married, so that I could keep working here, but as Headmistress. 

-That is incredible. We are truly happy for you. 

-Thank you, but things are getting difficult.

-How come?


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