Chapter 26

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Kath's POV-

Following Gregory and Judith around the city was worth it, because we made it to the Lab in no time. They entered through the front doors, but Adam and I decided to hide out in the back. Sneaking passed the windows, trying to make as little sound as possible, we find out way to an emergency door that only opens from the inside. I lift my hand and touch the door, trying to find a way to open it. Luckily my telekinetic abilities are basically flawless. I close my eyes and try to 'feel' through the metal door and move the door handle. It's harder than I expected but I make it. The door opens without having to kick it open, which would have been my second option. I look at Adam, whose still closely behind me, but now has the biggest smile on his face.


-That was so cool. 

I chuckle. Of course that's why he's grinning like a Cheshire cat. 

-Come on, Adam. Before they find us. 

I open the door a little further and walk in before him, so that he won't get hurt if there are guards behind the door. Luckily for us, there is no one, except an empty hallway. Adam steps in and the door closes behind him. Then its silent. I try to listen carefully to any noise, but there is none. I walk forward and Adam stays close to me, his green eyes staring at each part of the long hallway. At the end I see a door with a small window in the middle. We get closer and try to look through. There are desks and computers, equipment all over the place. There are people with white cloaks all over. I try to look a little closer to see what exactly they are trying to figure out so desperately. Then I see it. A glass tube, filled with very familiar blue liquid on one of the desks. Then I remember the day I got injected with the same blue liquid that has given me these abilities I have today. 

-The Generator Serum.

I whisper to myself, forgetting all about Adam by my side. 


-Nothing. Let's get out of here. 

But how? We can't be seen by anyone or they will capture us both, surely. Adam will be brought back to his distracted mother and I will probably be put in a cell. Then I remember: I can either knock them all out with a psionic blast, or control their minds to do my bidding. I chose option two. I open the door and step out like I own the place. Adam just stays where he is, probably to scared to walk with me. Each person in the room looks at me shocked and the gasps fill the silence. I've never controlled twenty minds at once, but I have to try. Before I get to do anything though, one of the scientist is about to call security, when I look him straight in the eyes and he falls to the floor unconscious. This brings even more attention on me, but they don't move, too scared to even flinch. I relish in this new power I suddenly posses. I close my eyes and concentrate on each telepathic connection I can receive in the room. Once I'm connected, I speak out loud.

-You will forget about me and my friend when we leave the room. 

I open my eyes and see that each person looks at me but their eyes are distant, like they have no control over their own minds, Well, they don't. I'm in charge now. They all forgot about their work, just sitting there mindlessly. I turn around to see Adam standing behind me, half amazed and half scared. 

-Sorry for scaring you.

 I say with a smile on my face.

-As long as you don't ever do that to me, there is nothing to be sorry about. That was cool though, terrifying, but cool.


I move to the closest desk where a man is sitting. I have to know.

-What are you studying with the serum and why?

-We were given orders to make the serum more potent, so that it can change the entire DNA of a person to be whatever they would want, instead of just enhancing special abilities in them. The government is being threatened by the Romanotian authorities, so they want to create an army of murderers, spies, and soldiers. At first they wanted them with special abilities, but after the fire incident in Uthington six years ago, they changed the plan of the operation, but still working with the five subjects the serum was given to.

The fire incident, the one Branton accidentally caused. They want to make killers instead of 'superheroes', like Branton would call us. So what if Romanotia wants a war? This is wrong on so many levels. Right now, I don't know what to do with this information, but I keep it in the back of my head and take Adam's hand, walking both of us out of the bright room.  

Operation W.A.R.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora