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"We've got another shipment coming this evening. I've heard word from two of our warehouses that there have been some uninvited guests lately. They're always snooping around the place from the outside. Our men haven't taken action because they were ordered to be discreet and only engage when threatened." Namjoon explains to the members, "But, they haven't engaged so we are going to check it out."

"How long has it been since they showed up." Jimin asks, pulling on his fingerless gloves.

"About 2 weeks ago." Namjoon answered and looked over to Yoongi and Taehyung, "You two will go to the first warehouse. The rest of us, Jimin, Jeongguk, and I will go to the second one. Remember, this is a reconnaissance mission so do not engage until threatened."

"May I ask why Yoongi and Taehyung are going together?" Jeongguk almost mumbled trying not to show how irritated he was that the younger would be spending time with the hitman, while also reloading his gun.

"Jealous much, Gguk?" Yoongi smirked before taking his gun back into his holster, liking to tease the younger.

Before Jeongguk could say anything, however, Namjoon interjected. "How about the two of you shut up and suit up." He rolled his eyes, leaving the room with Hoseok following behind him.

Taehyung let his gaze linger on Seokjin. The man was fixing his supplies and getting ready as well. He watched as he stuffed everything in his bag so that it would be ready for when the rest of the members come back. He realizes that Seokjin is usually alone during work times, but he would be out in the field with other members so he couldn't kill him them. His bedroom didn't work so the only time he would be able to kill him would be... Yes, of course. That had to be it. Truth be told, Taehyung didn't want to kill the elder.

He thought that he was very smart and very useful but didn't have any emotional attachment to him. But he had grown fond of all the members and it was scaring him. Especially his thing with Yoongi... last night was weird for him. When he had woke up in Yoongi's bed, he had felt disapointed that the elder wasn't beside him. But he smiled a little seeing Yoongi leave clothes for him like the hoodie he wore when he tried to kill Seokjin before the meeting.

Right. He had to kill Seokjin. He had to kill all the members. That was why he was here after all.

"Why so depressed?" Yoongi came up to his face and Taehyung quickly moved away trying to hide the blush from his face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Sorry. I wasn't listening, were you saying something to me earlier?"

"I wasn't. "

"Okay, meet you in the car then." The gray haired assassin said, avoiding Yoongi's gaze and heading towards the direction Namjoon and Hosek left in.

It was going to be a long night for them.


The drive to the first warehouse wasn't that far away as it was pretty close to their main house. The split up into two different groups to cover the two warehouses. The first warehouse had the group that was Jimin, Hoseok, and Jeongguk. The second warehouse would have Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon. While Jin would stay in the van for any injuries.

"Make sure to keep your guard up, guys. We might be in our territory but there are still raiders around waiting." Namjoon speaks through the earpieces.

"There's only a few workers here, Joon. I only count three." Hoseok says through the earpiece typing on his keyboard to check the cameras.

"What about the second one?"

"There's only two."

"Why is there so little workers?" Taehyung speaks up this time and Namjoon even looks surprised but he is even more worried.

"There should at least be fifteen in each warehouse." Namjoon taps his chin, "Where the fuck did everyone go?"


The three hear Yoongi yell and they immediately duck down behind boxes hearing much of bullets flying towards their direction.

Namjoon grabs his gun shooting back at where the bullets came from. "Fuck! Hoseok, you there?" He asks, tapping rapidly on the earpiece only to here static coming back.

Yoongi grabs his own rifle and starts shooting rapidly, effectively killing three of the shooters. "I count four more hostile. Three are down dead now."

"Any feedback on your guys' end?" Namjoon asks then assisting Yoongi with attacked the enemy.

They both shake their heads and Namjoon sighs, "Guess we're on our own then."

Taehyung gets up from his crouching position, ignoring both Namjoon and Yoongi's surprised looks. He throws his knives at the attackers and successfully stabs two of them in the throat. He skids across the floor hiding behind a wall.

Before Yoongi could move a muscle towards Taehyung, they both hear something thrown at them and a loud beeping sound echoes throughout the building.

'A fucking bomb, are you serious?'

Taehyung almost panics going to move but then realizes that the bomb is closest to Yoongi and the timer is at 3 seconds left. His eyes grow wide and he sees Yoongi staring at him. He knows Yoongi trying to ask him why the fuck is he just sitting there but he knows. He can't do it.

In his entire life, he's always been independent. Never relied on others as all he got was just disappointment and heartbreak. He worked his whole life to be able to protect himself and only himself. He was a trained killer who had only bloodlust on his mind.

He never cared for the deaths that happened before his eyes. He never cared for anyone because he never wanted to hurt himself again. He couldn't do that or he wouldn't be able to survive. But, now, as he jumps into the air across a ticking time bomb to save someone who hated his guts... all that had changed.

'What the fuck am I doing?'

He curses internally but that goes out the window as he covers Yoongi with his body once the bomb turns to two seconds. He needed to protect Yoongi and he didn't even know why. But then he feels waist being grabbed and their bodies switching positions as Yoongi covers his body with his own behind a few boxes and they hear the bomb go off.

The ash goes throughout the air and they feel the heat on their bodies but when they open their eyes to see they are still alive. Taehyung finds himself laying on the ground with Yoongi above him, holding his waist tightly. They look at each other for a moment, both confused.

'Fucking idiot. I tried to save him but he ends up risking his life anyways.'

He might have sounded angry but he can't help the feeling in his chest. The one that makes his heart beat and his cheeks flush. The one that makes his stomach heat up thinking of Yoongi protecting him.

But then he realizes who he is. That he was ordered to kill this person who protected him, who he tried to protect as well. He realizes he is changing and these feelings are something he has never felt before. It's scary and they both are glad for Namjoon who yells at them asking if they are okay. They both get up out of their position and Taehyung curses himself for wanting to feel Yoongi's cold hands on his waist.

They don't acknowlege each other after Namjoon kills the rest of the shooters off and when they all rush to the van to meet with the members. They don't look at each other when driving back or when Jin is fixing up Yoongi's cuts.

Taehyung distracts himself with sharpening his knife and waiting for the perfect moment to kill Seokjin.

But he can't keep a certain blond haired male off his mind. Cutting himself in the process but wiping the blood away and ignoring Yoongi's gaze on him. He can't fall in love with Yoongi, he just can't have these feelings that he is feeling right now. Not now, not when his only mission is to kill them.

He can't let anything get in the way of that.

A/N: hi there, going on a mini update spree since it's a friday and i feel like writing :) also very long chapter 1,4k words

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