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a/n: the truth is revealed :)

a/n: the truth is revealed :)

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As soon as Jin was wrapped up at breathing well, Namjoon had stayed by his side the entire time. No one questioned it and they all silently assumed that it meant there was something more going on between them. They also tried to ignore Hoseok's sad eyes as he went back to his computers to find out anything that could lead to how Jin was even stabbed in the first place. Jimi, however, had stuck by Hoseok's side afterwards and continue to help him track down the killer.

Jeongguk was left to go find Yoongi as he had been gone for awhile. He also noticed that Tae was gone as well and he couldn't help but feel his stomach clench when thinking if they were together. He sighs and once he gets to Taehyung's quarters, he looks around the room only to find two figures crouching down in an intimate position.

He ignored the way his heart dropped and cleared his throat to alert the two that they were there. He didn't want to have to see Yoongi holding Taehyung close as the younger cried into the older man's chest. He didn't want to see Yoongi kissing Taehyung on his hair for any longer than he had to.

"Where were you guys? Jin's better now if you were even worried." Jeongguk says as he couldn't hide the spite behind his tone.

"I did it." He hears Taehyung say quietly under his breath while he looks down.

"What?" Jeongguk asks confused.

"I tried to kill Seokjin." Taehyung states and looks up to stare at Jeongguk back.

He almost winced at Jeongguk's eyes that held betrayal in them. He looked so betrayed that Taehyung wanted to run away, he wanted to run from it all.

But he couldn't. Not when Yoongi held his waist so gently and comfortably.

"Why the fuck would you—

"Gguk, get everyone together." Yoongi cuts the younger off and ignores his glare, "He didn't do it of his own free will."

"Oh, really? He's a fucking assassin, hyung! That's their job! It's to fucking murder people and you're telling me it's not his fault?!" Jeongguk almost screams at this and Taehyung winces.

His best friend, his former love and the person he was going to spend his entire life for. He's betrayed him, he betrayed all of them. Why is he even here in the first place? He should have just finished the job and left.

"He's your friend, Gguk. You know he isn't a killer."

"I know Taehyung from before." Jeongguk states before speaking monotonously, "I don't know this Taehyung."

Taehyung almost whimpers. He's right. He's changed and he definitely isn't the same Taehyung that Jeongguk fell for.

"I get that you're heartbroken or whatever. But right now, Namjoon is beating himself over not being able to protect his boyfriend and Hoseok is stressing over finding out who killed him. Let's help that not waste anymore time and let Taehyung explain." Yoongi states finally and Jeongguk looks at him. He shifts his gaze to Taehyung who looks at him with sorry eyes.

He scoffs, "Fine. Whatever."

And with that, they all walk towards Jin's work quarters.

They all walk in and everyone's gazes are on them. Yoongi pushes Taehyung gently in front of them. The younger looks down and everyone is looking at them, Namjoon especially.

"What's going on?"

Taehyung looks at them with guilty eyes and their faces morph into betrayal and surprise. "You fucking ass—

"Calm down, Joon!" Jimin yells stopping Namjoon from hitting Taehyung across the face.

"Why should I?!" Joon yells back trying to get out of Yoongi hold who was pulling him back.

"If he was really bad, he wouldn't be standing in front of us looking guilty. He's trying to make up for it, Joon. It wasn't something that he did of his own will and you can tell just by the look ok his face." Jimin explains quickly and Namjoon looks to Taehyung who looks just as Jimin said.


"Fine. Fucking fine! Just let go of me!" He yells and Yoongi lets him go, going to stand next to Taehyung.

"Fucking tell us everything or else I will shoot you right where you stand even if you are related to me." Namjoon states.

"Wait, what?!" Hoseok says surprised and even though everyone was surprised that Namjoon and Taehyung were related, they hid it better than Hoseok. There was just so many things to unpack and some were more important than others.

"I tried to kill Jin. I was supposed to kill all of you." Taehyung starts and everyone fidgets a little at that,


"Because... I had to protect her." Taehyung tells them and they all look confused.

"Who's her?"


"You're going to kill all of them. Every last one of them." Baekhyun states looking down at Taehyung who had blood all over his face and bruises on his skin.

"Take down Kim Namjoon's gang or else she will die." Baekhyun states pointing towards a woman tied up in a chair.

"P-please don't kill her." Taehyung cries and Baekhyun slaps him in the face.

"Don't fucking plead to me. I'm just to train you into an assassin in order to kill every last one of the BTS gang." Baekhyun spits, "Your father is so fucking lucky my side of the family owes him something or else I would kill him and you where you stand."

Taehyung stays quiet at that.

"Kill everyone but the Jeon. Mr. Jeon is paying a lot of money to get his son back so you better heed to his words or else you're dead." Baekhyun explains, "And your mother will die as well."

"I'll do as you say. I promise."

"You fucking better. Namjoon needs to get what is coming to him for destroying my gang all those years ago. I had to built it all back up again and I need that little shit dead." Baekhyun growls.

"He's your cousin though."

"He's yours as well but you seem to also hold a grudge on him since you blew up one of his warehouses and killed half of his workers."Baekhyun smirks and Taehyung looks away.

"I am an assassin after all.

flash back end

"It was Baekhyun?" Namjoon asks.

"Y-yes." Taehyung stutters out, "I needed to protect my mom so I was tasked to gain your guys' trust and kill you from the inside."

"What a great plan. Too bad it didn't work and you fell for this idiot." Hoseok states ans Yoongi glares at him.

Jeongguk looks away. He has no chance with Taehyung anyway so he made a mental note to stop himself from hoping. He already did that many years ago anyways. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Tae." Jimin goes to hug the assassin and after everything, Taehyung finally relaxes.

Jimin just has a way of making Taehyung feel comforted.

"We need a plan." Namjoon says and before he could say anything to Hoseok, Yoongi speaks.

"I have a perfect plan."

a/n: hope you're enjoying the updates :) pls check out my twitter since i have many stories going on there as well!


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